Using RegEx in SQL Server - Stack Overflow
2012年1月19日 · I'm looking how to replace/encode text using RegEx based on RegEx settings/params below: RegEx.IgnoreCase = True RegEx.Global = True RegEx.Pattern = "[^a-z\d\s.]+" I have seen some examples on RegEx, but confused as to how to apply it the same way in SQL Server. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
How to replace part of a string using regex - Stack Overflow
2017年4月28日 · Since regex engine searches a string for a match from left to right, you will get the first match from the left. The \[[^\]]*]\[ matches [ , then any 0+ chars other than ] and then ][ . The (...) forms a capturing group #1, it will remember the value that you will be able to get into the replacement with $1 backreference.
regex - Regular Expressions: Is there an AND operator ... - Stack …
2009年1月22日 · In regex in general, ^ is negation only at the beginning of a character class. Unless CMake is doing something really funky (to the point where calling their pattern matching language "regex" could be regarded as misleading or incorrect) I'm guessing the fact that it worked for you was an isolated accident.
Java String.split () Regex - Stack Overflow
2012年3月25日 · Removing the empty entries should be trivial, and removing the spaces in the string is surely easily accomplished with a .replaceAll before applying the Regex. – Andrew Morton Commented Mar 25, 2012 at 0:56
regex - how to use a regular expression to extract json fields?
2013年1月16日 · Using a carat (^) at the beginning of a class negates it, causing the matcher to match anything that's not contained in the class. End of group 3... The asterisk causes the previous regular expression (in this case, group 3), to be repeated zero or more times, In this case causing the matcher to match anything that could be inside the double ...
regex - Regular expression to extract text between square brackets ...
Simple regex question. I have a string on the following format: this is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one] What is the regular expression to extract the words within the s...
regex - How to replace only part of found text? - Stack Overflow
General thoughts about replacing only part of a match. In order to replace a part of a match, you need to either 1) use capturing groups in the regex pattern and backreferences to the kept group values in the replacement pattern, or 2) lookarounds, or 3) a …
regex - Rename files using regular expression in linux - Stack …
2012年8月4日 · Use regex-rename. It's super easy to install (unlike the other tools): pip3 install regex-rename Do the renaming with: regex-rename "(\d{1})x(\d{2})" "S0\1E\2.srt" --rename Try "dry-run" mode (without --rename flag) in first place to check if it looks good before the actual renaming. It shows you what was matched to each of the groups so you ...
java - How to extract a substring using regex - Stack Overflow
But maybe it isn't. Besides Apache commons has a lot more to offer. Even tough it's good to know regex, you have to be carefull on when to use it. Regex can be really hard to read, write and debug. Given some context using this could be the better solution. –
Use Powershell to replace subsection of regex result
2013年11月12日 · The following regex seems to do the job of finding the larger strings where I need to make replacements, but I don't know what functionality in Powershell (replace?) to use to just replace the substring of the results. Also, feel free to suggest a better regex if that would help.