Unblacklist + Unban All | InvadedLands
2020年4月24日 · If an unblacklist / unban all were to occur all of the regulars especially on KitPvP would actually start enjoying the server again rather then just playing because we have nothing better to do. KitPvP would also finally be populated with a much larger amount of people who actually play and are fun to fight.
unban - InvadedLands
2020年1月13日 · About Us. We're a Minecraft Network consisting of the KitPvP, Skyblock and Survival gamemodes.
Why are all unban requests declined and the staff ban for fun
2024年9月5日 · As I recently myself was banned by console accidentally and I applied for an unban appeal where the staff were super helpful and unbanned me. So explain in detail what exactly happened when you got banned, and don't spam staff for appeals as that will just annoy them more making them more unlikely to not give you the appeal.
Unban purchase? | InvadedLands
2022年1月6日 · unbans were removed from the store to comply with EULA so you can always fill a ban appeal or a blacklist appeal and hope to get unbanned/unblacklisted.
Randomly got banned, no reason given, told I'm not
2020年5月2日 · So, as stated in the title, I have been banned for reasons unknown, and told not to appeal for an unban or purchase one. This has actually taken place on the PVPLands server. However, there is no forum or designated appeal location for PVPLands.
unban buying | InvadedLands
2020年7月25日 · if you have not bought an unban before buy the first one, if you have bought one (doesn’t include if you ...
I need help buying a unban | InvadedLands
2023年7月23日 · I'm sorry to hear that you can't accept you were cheating, the consequences of our own actions are crazy. Either way, as invaded does not process payments it is done via Tebex, they physically cannot give you an
Jail guide - InvadedLands
2022年10月20日 · Hey guys, girls, nonbinary or whatever If you have been banned i recommend reading this first to get unbanned as fast as possible. Usual time is 4 hrs maybe 6 if ur slow but not more than that Captchas - Every 10 jail credits you get a randomized captcha that you have to type out, this is to...
How to get unbanned - InvadedLands
2020年5月3日 · Otherwise purchasing an unban is the only way. realarnutis Member. realarnutis. May 3, 2020 #3 icube77 said:
Banned for printer mod? | InvadedLands
2024年11月28日 · It's a mod that makes you move and other actions automatically that is specified to get people who use it banned? you can also just mine coal in the jail instead of paying for the unban- it's nobody's fault but your own that you didn't check that the mod that causes you to run around without human input would get you anticheated