dictionaries - Where did the phrase 'Uh Oh' come from? - English ...
2015年10月22日 · 'oh', 'oh oh', 'ha', 'ha ha' have always existed (in all languages) and were very popular since XVI century and in the XX century the variants uh uh, uh oh are recorded. Here …
pronunciation - Can a hyphen be a "letter" in some words?
2024年12月10日 · The pronunciation of uh oh is the same as the pronunciation of uh-oh. The vast majority of hyphenated compounds do not contain a glottal stop whatsoever. The only …
grammatical number - Plural of "uh-oh" and "oh-no" - English …
2013年5月17日 · I'd also like to mention that, while "uh-oh" is far more common that "uh oh", it seems that "oh no" is actually the more common form of that interjection, as can be seen here, …
Pronunciation: ah, oh, etc - English Language & Usage Stack …
oh (oʊ) uh (ʌ, ə, ɨ) Also, hyphens are used to separate syllables and CAPS represent stressed ...
What is the origin of "uh", "um", "erm" and "er"?
Would this be a very similar sound? I'm skeptical as to whether or not this points to a common heritage. Furthermore, the usual sources show er occurred more recently than uh or um. I run …
Non-vulgar way to express an "Oh shucks!" moment?
2016年11月18日 · An "Oh, Shit!" moment is the perfect way to capture this, but I need it for formal correspondence where the vulgarity is unprofessional. Here's an example of the sentence I …
"Oh, no you di'int!" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2016年5月18日 · The phrase "oh no you di'in't" is frequently used in response to an action that is contrary to the commonly accepted custom or etiquette, but of which the speaker nonetheless …
Dictionary for eh, uh-huh, eww and so on [closed]
2018年6月9日 · uh-huh Cambridge Dictionary: used in writing to represent the sound that people sometimes make in order to agree with or show understanding of something that has just been …
semantics - Does the American English hesitation sound “uh” …
Because of the existence of “d’uh” and “d’oh”, which imply a stupid mistake or a facepalm situation, I wonder if “uh” has an added implication that the speaker is stupid or ignorant? This …
pronunciation - How do you spell "Aye Yai Yai" - English Language ...
2012年1月31日 · Speaker One: Uh-oh -- we have to reformat ALL THE DOCUMENTS! Speaker Two: Aye Yai Yai, that's a lot of work! "Aye Yai Yai" is the closest I can come with English …