GCS Software | Ground Control Software for Drones, UAV, UGV, …
2024年10月8日 · Ground control station (GCS) software for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles) and other robotic platforms provides pilots and payload operators with a wide range of command and control functions. It may be installed on an Android, Windows or Linux-based device such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop, or on specially ...
地面控制站和系统技术介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月29日 · 地面控制站 (GCS) 是允许 无人机无人系统 、 无人水面车辆 (USV) 和 无人地面车辆 (UGV) 从远程位置操作并与控制进行通信和控制的硬件和软件。 这可以通过设置自主操作的参数或允许直接控制无人驾驶车辆来实现。 地面控制站(GCS)通常位于作战区或战场区域或附近,也可以位于单独的受控基地。 他们执行的惊人壮举是由复杂的地面控制站控制和监控的,有时距离飞机飞行的地方数千英里。 无人驾驶车辆是一个巨大的优势,它们对于提供监 …
Visionair - Ground Control Station (GCS) Software - UAV Navigation
Visionair is UAV Navigation's standard Ground Control Station (GCS) software for the planning and execution of UAV missions. It is compatible with all UAVN autopilots (AP). The Ground Control Station software allows the user to create and edit …
Choosing a Ground Station — Copter documentation - ArduPilot
This page gives a high-level overview of the available Ground Control Stations (GCS) and provides links so you can make the appropriate choice. Overview¶ A ground station is typically a software application, running on a ground-based computer,phone,or transmitter, that communicates with your UAV via wireless telemetry or USB cable. It displays ...
Drone Ground Control Stations | Portable GCS | UAV GCS
Desert Rotor is a leading portable GCS manufacturer suppling professional, drone ground control stations (GCS) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV). Our complete drone GCS solutions are compatible with almost any fixed-wing or multirotor UAV and many drone autopilots.
安装地面站 (GCS) 软件 — 旋翼飞行器文档 - ArduPilot.org
安装地面站 (GCS) 软件¶. ArduPilot 可用于 多个不同的地面站. 开发人员通常使用 桌面 GCS,因为这些系统可提供更深入的飞行器设置参数和高级调试功能。如果您只想飞行,则可以选择使用在移动操作系统(iOS、Android)上运行的 GCS。
Ground Control Stations (GCS) for Drones and UAVs
2025年1月8日 · Ground control stations (GCS) enable seamless command and control for UAVs in diverse applications. From beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) missions to precise navigation in line-of-sight scenarios, these systems offer operators the tools to manage UAV flight, payload, and data in real time.
T40 Lightweight Case-Type Ground Control Station(GCS)
T40 is a versatile case-type ground control station for all types of UAV, UGV, and USV as well as remote-controlled vehicles. Weighing in at a mere 5.98kg, T40 boasts unparalleled portability without compromising on functionality.
Drone Ground Control Stations (GCS) & Portable GCS for UAV
Drone Ground Control Stations from dragon fly tech, and dragon fly is a leading portable GCS manufacturer suppling professional, drone ground control stations for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV). Complete drone GCS solutions are compatible with almost any fixed-wing or multirotor UAV and many drone autopilots ...
T20 Android Handheld Ground Station(GCS) for UAV, UGV
The T20 is a handheld ground control station (GCS) specifically designed to cater to Android users. It seamlessly integrates video, telemetry, and RC (remote control) links, along with an industrial-grade computer and a remote control system, providing a comprehensive solution for drone operations.