Ultraviolet - Wikipedia
Ultraviolet radiation, also known as simply UV, is electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths of 10–400 nanometers, shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight and constitutes about 10% of the total electromagnetic radiation output from the …
Radiation: Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - World Health Organization …
Mar 9, 2016 · The shorter the wavelength, the more harmful the UV radiation. However, shorter wavelength UV radiation is less able to penetrate the skin. The UV region covers the wavelength range 100-400 nm and is divided into three bands: UVA (315-400 nm) UVB (280-315 nm) UVC (100-280 nm). Short-wavelength UVC is the most damaging type of UV radiation.
紫外線 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
紫外線 (英語: ultraviolet,縮寫 UV)為 波長 在10 nm 至400nm之間的 電磁波;其波長比 可見光 短,但比 X射線 長。 太陽光中含有部分的紫外線, 電弧 、 水銀燈 、 黑光燈 也會發出紫外線。 雖然紫外線不屬於 游離輻射 但紫外線仍會引發化學反應與使一些物質發出螢光。 而小於200奈米的紫外線輻射會被空氣強烈的吸收,因此稱之為真空紫外線 [1]。 名稱的意義是「超越紫色」,而紫色是可見光中的 顏色 中波長最短的。 紫外光的波長比紫色光更短,人類通常無法直接看到 …
紫外线是阳光中频率为750THz~30PHz,对应真空中波长为400nm~10nm(纳米)的光线。 紫外线的英文名是Ultraviolet(缩写为UV),其中的ultra–意为“高于,超越”。 太阳光谱 上,紫外线的频率高于可见光线。 可以分为 UVA (紫外线A,波长400nm~320nm,低频 长波)、 UVB (波长320nm~280nm,中频中波)、UVC(波长280nm~100nm,高频短波)、EUV(100nm~10nm, 超高频)4种。 其中, UVA射线 会导致晒黑,紫外线 B (UVB) 波长较 …
Ultraviolet radiation - World Health Organization (WHO)
Jul 29, 2024 · Ultraviolet (UV) radiation covers the wavelength range of 100–400 nm, which is a higher frequency and lower wavelength than visible light. UV radiation comes naturally from the sun, but it can also be created by artificial sources used in industry, commerce and recreation.
EUV, DUV, XUV 有什么区别?对应的波长分别是多少? - 知乎
EUV, DUV, XUV 以及 UV, VUV 都是电磁波波段分类的简称。 XUV:0.1~10nm. (3)注意:波长不是分辨率! 他们之间的关系是 分辨率=k*波长/NA. NA是数值孔径;k 是常数,由成像系统决定,一般为0.5 或 0.61. EUV, DUV, XUV 以及 UV, VUV 都是电磁波波段分类的简称。 (1)它们的全称分别是UV = ultraviolet EUV = extremely ultraviolet VUV = vacuum ultraviolet DUV = deep ultraviolet XUV = X-ran ultraviolet(2)它…
紫外线照射 - 百度百科
紫外线(Ultraviolet,UV)是电磁波谱中波长从10~400nm辐射的总称。 依据紫外线自身波长的不同,可将紫外线分为长波紫外线(315~400nm,UV-A)、中波紫外线(280~315nm,UV-B)、短波紫外线(200~280nm,UV-C) 和真空紫外线(100~200nm)。
UV Light - Stanford Solar Center - Stanford University
UV-C light (100-290nm) is extremely harmful and is almost completely absorbed by Earth's atmosphere. It is commonly used as a disinfectant in food, air, and water to kill microorganisms by destroying their cells' nucleic acids.
Ultraviolet Light or UV Radiation - Science Notes and Projects
Apr 1, 2023 · Ultraviolet light or UV is electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range of 10 to 400 nanometers (nm), which is between x-rays and visible light. Because it is largely invisible to humans, another name for UV is black light .
300-420nm波长的UV-A紫外线可透过完全截止可见光的特殊着色玻璃灯管,仅辐射出以365nm为中心的近紫外光,可用于油墨胶水固化、矿石鉴定、舞台装饰、验钞等领域。 UV-B. 中波UV-B,波长介于275~320纳米,又称为中波红斑效应紫外线。