2025年2月12日 · Since first directly hiring behavioral health providers in December 2023, USMEPCOM has made significant strides in improving processing efficiency and reducing the wait times for military...
Home [www.mepcom.army.mil]
USMEPCOM United States Military Entrance Processing Command. USMEPCOM Search. Search U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command: Search. Home. Applicants and Parents Recruiters and Service Liaisons Publications and Forms. Orders Links Contractors ...
Publications and Forms - United States Army
Welcome to United States Military Entrance Processing Command's (USMEPCOM) electronic library of administrative forms and publications created by and for USMEPCOM. Information presented in this...
United States Military Entrance Processing Command
USMEPCOM is a joint service command under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy, who in turn reports to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.
United States Military Entrance Processing Command - Facebook
United States Military Entrance Processing Command. 5,631 likes · 79 talking about this. Welcome to Headquarters, United States Military Entrance...
This is the official YouTube channel of the United States Military Entrance Processing Command. Our mission is to ensure the quality of military accessions during peacetime and mobilization in ...
Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) | U.S. Army - goarmy.com
Any disqualifications that appear during your MEPS physical exam or interview may prevent you from joining the Army. These disqualifications can include illegal drug use, alcohol dependence, not meeting height and weight requirements, having certain contagious diseases, among others.. Additionally, law violations can prevent you from enlisting, such as being convicted of any …
SMDRP Update: Streamlining and Standardizing MEPS Medical …
2023年2月17日 · Recent changes to the USMEPCOM Supporting Medical Documentation Review Program (SMDRP) are designed to standardize and streamline the medical pre-screen review and in-person physical evaluation process at MEPS around the country.
About Us - United States Army
Welcome to the United States Military Entrance Processing Command Our mission - evaluate applicants by applying established DoD standards during processing for military service. Our vision -...
USMEPCOM Releases New Tool for Military
2017年11月2日 · The six-minute production is a tool USMEPCOM and recruiters use to prepare military applicants for what to expect from the enlistment process before they visit a MEPS, or Military Entrance...