Texas Department of Transportation
We're always looking for driven, skilled people ready to help Texas connect with work, friends, family and more. Are you ready to begin your TxDOT career? It takes a long time to build a bridge. But just a few seconds to take one down. Drive like a Texan is about embracing what makes our state great — the way we look out for each other.
TxDOT is committed to your safety and to the reliability of the information contained on this site. While road conditions can change rapidly, DriveTexas.org is an industry leader in providing some of the most accurate and up-to-date travel-related information currently available to …
Driving Conditions
TXDOT Live Cameras. View live traffic conditions in Texas via TXDOT traffic Cameras. Drive Texas. View real-time driving conditions via the Texas Department of Transportation.
TxDOT Open Data Portal
View boundary datasets such as TxDOT districts, city limits, counties, legislative and congressional districts. Explore the end-of-year roadway inventory, top 100 most congested roadways, and more. Find datasets on infrastructure like, facilities, airports, seaports, etc. Explore planning datasets including projects, freight networks, and MPOs.
Highway Conditions - Current - Drive Texas
To view conditions by roadway, use the Texas Roadway list. For specific results, use more than one list. Example: Select Flood (condition), Travis (county) and I-35 (roadway) to see all flood conditions on I-35 in Travis County. By Phone. Call us toll-free at (800) 452-9292 for current road conditions. Map Search.
Texas Clear Lanes
TxDOT is addressing gridlock for Texas drivers statewide. Using data to identify and prioritize congested roadways. Working with local transportation leaders. Developing critical projects to …
See live traffic cameras - Texas Department of Transportation
Prepare for your next trip on country roads, the urban jungle, or the open skies. Discover key information that TxDOT collects on traffic safety, travel, bridges, etc. Study our various maps, dashboards, portals, and statistics. Learn how to get started …
Careers - Texas Department of Transportation
TxDOT is always looking for the driven skilled individual ready to help Texas connect with work, friends, family and more. Are you ready to begin your career at TxDOT? What do you want to do? Where do you want to work? Work hard. Play hard. We've got you covered. Learn about our healthcare, retirement, wellness, and additional benefits.
TxDOT Announces Temporary Road Closure Tuesday Morning
2 days ago · News release from TxDOT Bryan District Office: Beginning Tuesday morning, March 18th, 2025, at 9 a.m., TxDOT’s contractor, Knife River Corporation, will be placing a large sign for the FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) project that will require the temporary closure of the southbound Wellborn Road (FM 2154) direct connect ramp.
Search TxDOT Manuals - Texas Department of Transportation
Jan 5, 2023 · Use this page to access the TxDOT online manuals. From this page you can search for a word or phrase in all manuals. You can also browse by title, or browse a list of the recently modified manuals. List all manuals alphabetically. List manuals recently updated. If you have any questions, please e-mail Online Manuals. (Last Updated: 01/05/2023)