what does anyone know about FREE PISTOLS? - Bullseye Forum
Mar 6, 2020 · The TOZ 35 is a great Free Pistol and a few years ago there was a bunch of them imported into the US. I paid $300 for a like new in the box one above. That price did not include the Rink grip or the custom forend. In my opinion, Free Pistol is the hardest of all pistol sports to master. I was very sad when it was dropped as an Olympic sport.
Anyone have a TOZ-35M? - Bullseye Forum
Sep 14, 2018 · The toz can be more forgiving than the Morini because of a shorter sight radius. The trigger is great. Most were made with the intention of a gun smith working on them to make the trigger smoother and also lots of grip work to make the grips fit your hand like a glove.
MG-5, TOZ-35, MG-2 + 11 different ammo bench tested - Bullseye …
Dec 11, 2022 · Re: MG-5, TOZ-35, MG-2 + 11 different ammo bench tested by Jon Eulette 12/13/2022, 1:45 pm Short barreled pistols seem to shoot ok with the barrel clamped for accuracy testing.
Affects of HV ammo on a TOZ-35M - bullseyeforum.net
Mar 20, 2020 · HV won't bother the action on the TOZ-35(M), but the chamber is tight and fouling can build up quickly and cause the extraction to be poor. I would often start having extraction troubles near the end of a match, if I didn't start with a really clean gun.
Tula ToZ-35 - Bullseye Forum
Mar 11, 2023 · Re: Tula ToZ-35 by RoyDean Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:41 pm For a really fast and relatively inexpensive first step why not try a 3D printed grip from Precision Grips www.precisiontargetpistolgrips.com
Which Free Pistol - Bullseye Forum
Jul 1, 2020 · I shot a Toz for many years. As far as free pistols go its forgiving to shoot. The stock grips are horrible and need lots of fitting. I had Morini make me a grip when I was in Switzerland many years ago; made a huge difference. You can't go wrong with a Toz. Last year I picked up a MG5 just because.
Toz-35m Free Pistol front sight - Bullseye Forum
May 24, 2023 · Re: Toz-35m Free Pistol front sight by shooterer Thu May 25, 2023 12:28 pm About 3 1/4"", that would put the front blade a point where it would be in focus without any lens correction.
TOZ Freepistol - Bullseye Forum
Dec 12, 2020 · I started shooting free pistol with a borrowed TOZ 35. I liked it so much that I just had to have my own. I bought one with the unfinished grip. The price was around 500. Making the grip was a bit of a challenge because all I really had to go by was pictures of how I wanted it to look. When finished it looked rather nice.
Question about Izh-35M - Bullseye Forum
Mar 30, 2017 · There are two main regions that produce military and sporting small arms in Russia. One (older) originated in City of Tula make a TOZ (Tula Orugeiny Zavod) models of small arms. They marketed under "Vostok" brand. The second is in the City of Izhevsk (IZHMach -Izhevsky Machinbuilding Zavod) region and make small arms under the IZH model ...
Toz 35m free pistol - Bullseye Forum
Jun 23, 2013 · My second one is an M that I paid $825 for with a large Rink grip, case, and all the goodies that comes with it. This one I went a little crazy with and could have bought a brand new Morini or Hamerli cheaper. Put a left hand Rink grip on it, a Toz Balance forend, and a rear sight off a Steyr LP-10.