What does time is tolled mean - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2014年9月14日 · Tolled, means the same as stopped. If there is a time period that would ordinarily run, the clock is stopped until the event that 'tolled' the time period is completed. …
What does speedy trial tolled mean - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2013年7月28日 · However, various things can temporarily stop the clock. For an obvious example, if the defendant requests a continuance, the clock is stopped for the period of the …
When my probation is tolled does that mean jail time?
2017年3月15日 · The tolling of probation happens when there is an active warrant for violation of probation and the probation officer has not been able to serve the warrant on you.
What does tolled mean when dealing with probation sentences?
2018年5月21日 · Tolled means the clock stops running. That may happen if you are in custody for another case. The ...
My probation sentence is "tolled" what does it mean when it says ...
"Tolled" means the time that is passing isn't counted against your sentence. In other words, if your sentence was tolled after the first month, then you will still have 2 years and 11 months of …
What does it mean if a judge tolled my probation pending a …
2018年3月29日 · The judge "tolled" (or stayed) the running of the probationary time period to allow the district attorney to file a petition for probation revocation. Under Alabama law, …
What is the tolling process for misdemeanor probation?
2020年3月16日 · A tolling order must be requested by the probation officer. Once tolled, it remains tolled (forever) until the court reinstates probation or revokes a particular amount of …
What is the meaning of "toll the time"? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2013年10月5日 · When a prescribe time period is tolled, it means that the time for answering/filing/etc is effectively placed on "pause" pending the resolution of some other …
What does "driver's license will be tolled during incarceration" …
2021年5月20日 · Tolled means essentially “the clock is not running.” The license suspension period does not run during the time tolled. The suspension period will start to run after he is …
What does "Trainor Tolled" mean? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
What does "Trainor Tolled" mean? × Avvo Rating. Our Rating is calculated using information the lawyer has included on their profile in addition to the information we collect from state bar …