notes life support policy national’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the president and general
TO-39 Package | TO-39 Headers | Electronic Products (EPI)
The TO-39 package, also referred to as TO-205AD, is a transistor package commonly used for discrete general-purpose transistors. It is a through-hole package with a metal flange for heat dissipation, making it suitable for high-power applications.
TO-39 Package
The TO-39 is a type of 'metal can' (also known as 'metal header') package for semiconductor devices. It is sealed hermetically to protect the device from environmental factors such as moisture and contaminants. The TO-39 is commonly used in housing transistors and integrated circuits with low lead counts.
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TO-39 Component Package - mbedded.ninja
Apr 7, 2015 · The TO-39 (Transistor Outline 39) package is a family of metallic can packages used for hermetically sealing semiconductor devices. It usually has three legs (the TO-39-3 variant), but variants with up to 10 legs are in use. The metal case can be gold coated.
TO-39 Disclaimer: It is the Buyers responsibility for designing, validating and testing the end application under all field use cases and extreme use conditions. Guaranteeing the application meets required standards, regulatory compliance, and all safety and security requirements is the responsibility of the Buyer.
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成在 TO-39 罐封装中,内置低噪声放大器及高精度24位Σ ADC ,同时集成了高精度体温算法,具有高整合度、高抗干扰、 高可靠性、高精度的特点。 特性 ⚫ 工作电压:2.4V to 3.6V ⚫ 工作温度:-30℃~ 85℃ ⚫ 测温范围:-30℃~380℃ ⚫ 测量精度:±0.1℃
TO-39声表晶振|TO-39声表谐振器|303MHz~868MHz|插件声表晶 …
TO类产品 - 青岛合迈封装科技有限公司
本公司生产TO管座标准系列产品。 由于具备了批量生产条件,具有成本低、质量稳定、交货周期短等优势。 推荐选用定型的标准系列产品,我们也可以根据客户的要求设计和生产特殊规格的产品。 1. 气密性: ≤1x 10-9 Pa. m³ /Sec. 2. 绝缘性: ≥100MΩ @ 25±10℃, 相对湿度:20-60% 3. 镀层: 电镀或化学镍:2-7um;镀金:0.05-3.0um. 4. 其他性能:参照JEDEC-9A、MIL-STD-883. 1. 底板:4J29、4J42、10号钢. 2. 管脚:4J29、4J50、镍合金包铜. 3. 绝缘玻璃:NEG、Elan …
Aug 11, 2022 · TO-39 双窗口成品管帽可以接收4.26μm、3.91μm 的窄带光谱,可以配套制作热释电红外传感器、温 度传感器、气体传感器等传感器。 不要在超出产品规格范围的情况下使用本产品. 在产品封样过程中,双 方对承认书需书面确认。 以 便保证批量产品无误。 本说明书中提到的应用电路仅作为标准使用范例.请注意根据外围设来设计电路并调整参数设置. 错误的使用, 会导致危险和人身伤害。 2. 3. 4. 5. 管帽内部侧壁挂脚高度低于1/2 管帽高度。
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