The International 2019 - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Double-elimination Playoffs, the winner qualifies to TI; Group Stage - August 15th - August 18th, 2019. All eighteen teams are divided into two groups where they play in a Round Robin format. All matches are played in a Bo2. The top four teams in each group advance to the Upper Bracket of the Main Event. The bottom team in each group is eliminated.
The International 2019 - Wikipedia
The International 2019 (TI9) was the ninth iteration of The International, an annual Dota 2 world championship esports tournament.
第九届DOTA2国际邀请赛 - 百度百科
第九届DOTA2国际邀请赛于2019年8月15日开始小组赛,8月20日-25日在上海梅赛德斯奔驰中心举行决赛。 2019年8月25日,OG战队击败Liquid战队,夺得2019DOTA2国际邀请赛冠军,这是他们继2018DOTA2国际邀请赛冠军后的又一个TI冠军。 [1] DOTA2国际邀请赛除第一届和第八届外,其余DOTA2国际邀请赛均在美国西雅图举办。 中国地区有着浓厚的DOTA2文化氛围和巨大的DOTA2玩家数量,中国战队取得过三届冠军四个亚军。 为了提升电子竞技在 亚洲 乃至全世界 …
The International 2019: Main Event - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Top four teams in each group of Group Stage start in the Upper Bracket. The 1st place in each group of Group Stage picks their opponent from either the 3rd or 4th placed team in the opposite group. The 2nd place in each group plays the team that was not picked by the 1st place.
2019年国际邀请赛 - Dota 2 Wiki,刀塔百科
The International 2019 是valve官方举办的第九次国际邀请赛(以下简称Ti9),它在中国上海梅赛德斯-奔驰体育馆举办,这也是在亚洲首次举办。 比赛在2019年7月3日,公开资格赛开始,并于2019年8月25日总决赛。 最终 OG 战队以 3-1 战胜 2017年冠军 Team Liquid 战队,成为历史上唯一一个获得两次冠军的队伍。 2019年国际邀请赛奖金总额超过了3430万美元,是电子竞技有史以来奖金数目最大的赛事,打破了Fortnite世界杯在2019年短暂的3000万美元奖金记录。
The International 2019: Group Stage - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Eighteen teams divided in two groups of nine teams each where they play in a round-robin format. All matches are played in a Bo2. A win (2-0) provides 2 points. A draw (1-1) provides 1 point. A loss (0-2) provides 0 points. Top four teams in each group advance to …
《Dota2》OG战队包揽电竞选手收入榜Top5! 年年都是全村希望 真的辛苦了! [Ti9]决赛日图集. 快! 守护我方钱包! 女粉丝晒和G胖合影网友评论亮了. LGD战败感言:亲眼见到了梦碎的样子! 真神仙打架! 一年的一度的全明星. 还有什么要说的吗。 og没输过. 加油! 中国! 加油! 中国! 输了吧? 奶毒! 真是生既的,牛屁了! 也对。 大人们,时代变了! 加油! 中国! 哈哈! 如你所愿一串七. 今年liquid后期吃药,这么强。 北美的三个队这么强吗? 很悬了. 大哥,是wings~! …
TI9 Main Event - The International 2019 - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 …
9 heroes were picked by this team and banned against them. 9 heroes were banned against this team (and never picked by this team). 34 heroes were contested by this team, or against them, in total. 2.31. 2,245. 2,463. Mineski: 1-1. 1 series won; 0 …
V社今日发布了DOTA2 TI9总决赛的真视界预告片,完整版视频将于北京时间1月29日凌晨2点在德国柏林开始全球首播。 真视界预告片: 每年的TI总决赛,V社都会录制视频记录两支对阵战队当时的台前幕后表现,包括台上的交流,每局比赛后的幕后总结. 今天(8月28日)中午,著名的《DOTA》前职业选手、OB战队成员longdd突然在微博宣布,OB将会组建并培养一支《DOTA2》职业战队,自己将担任教练并负责日常的赛训工作。 不过随后OB话事人yyf枫哥在微博表示,他 …
Dota 2 The International 2019 TI9 results, winners, and prize pool
Aug 25, 2019 · Here's a breakdown of TI9's record $34.3 million prize pool: Team Liquid still walks away with $4.45 million of the prize pool after falling in game four of the Grand Finals to OG. Check out our...