Crucible | Doom Wiki | Fandom
The Crucible, first featured in DOOM discovered via hallucination in the Lazarus Labs and later obtained by the Doom Slayer, though never used as a weapon in-game. In Doom Eternal, one of the Crucibles is the Doom Slayer's own sword from …
Crucible - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
The Crucible, a central plot item in Doom (2016) and in Doom Eternal, is an artifact from Argent D'Nur which wields mysterious control over the Argent energy reserves of Hell, capable of shutting down—and apparently reactivating—the source of that energy known as the Well.
Crucible (Doom Eternal) - The Doom Wiki at DoomWiki.org
The Crucible, also called the Crucible blade, is a weapon in Doom Eternal, a legendary sword with a blade of pure crimson Wraithfire. It was taken up by the Doom Slayer after his empowerment by the Seraphim during the attack on Taras Nabad by the forces of Hell.
Taras Nabad - Doom Eternal Guide - IGN
2021年9月14日 · The Crucible can basically kill any demon in one shot (Except for the Marauder of course!) but it only holds 3 charges so use it sparingly (Archviles beware!).
Crucible (DOOM) | VS Battles Wiki - Fandom
The Crucible is a blade forged from argent energy from the pools of Taras Nabad, it was a sword designed to slay demons and titan-class enemies, and it is wielded by the Doomguy during his stay with the night sentinels.
So what was the role of The Crucible? (Questions and
2020年4月25日 · According to Doom Eternals lore the Slayer got the Crucible after leaving the god machine on Argent D'Nur. He became the beast the demons fear. He punished man-born (e. g. civil wars on Argent D'Nur and corrupted humans) and demon beings.
Crucible - Sword Wiki
The Crucible first appears in hallucinations when the Doom Slayer touches the Praetor Suit and the Helix Stone, where an altar with a strange artifact and a source of demonic energy can be seen. Physically, it appears at the end of the Necropolis, embedded in …
The power of the crucible : r/Doom - Reddit
2020年2月22日 · The crucible is the blade of argent used by the slayer during the unholy crusade, if I recall. The sword is a blade made out of pure argent plasma, and thus has the properties and heat of such a thing. It is stated to be the only weapon capable of destroying the icon. Why is …
THE CRUCIBLE - Doom Eternal's Most Controversial Weapon
THE CRUCIBLE - Doom Eternal's Most Controversial Weapon.In todays video, we are going to analyze The Crucible, Doom Eternal's super weapon and why it is so c...
Crucible | Fictional Weapons Wiki - Fandom
The Crucible also called The Crucible blade or The Crucible Sword is a weapon first featured in Doom (2016) as an plot item, and then as a weapon in Doom: Eternal. is a legendary sword with a blade of pure crimson Wraithfire. It was taken up by the Doom Slayer after his empowerment by …