Tatra (company) - Wikipedia
Tatra is a Czech vehicle manufacturer from Kopřivnice. It is owned by the TATRA TRUCKS a.s. company, and it is the third oldest company in the world producing motor vehicles with an …
Tatra 87 - Wikipedia
The Tatra 87 (T87) is a car built by Czechoslovak manufacturer Tatra from 1936 to 1950. It was powered by a rear-mounted 2.9-litre air-cooled 90-degree overhead cam V8 engine that …
Tatra 97 - Wikipedia
The Tatra 97 (T97) is a Czechoslovak mid-size car built by Tatra in Kopřivnice, Moravia, from 1936 to 1939. The Tatra 97 was designed to complement two full-size cars in the Tatra range: …
TATRA FORCE [T 815-7] :: Tatratrucks.com
tatra force [t 815-7] The FORCE vehicle range is available in 6x6, 8x8 and 10x10 versions up to the completely unique 12x12 version. These vehicles are commonly built for customers …
With its unrivalled payload capacity and mobility TATRA takes you farther than you thought is possible, whether over the most extreme terrain or on the road. It is your reliable partner in any …
太脱拉 - 百度百科
太脱拉(TATRA)卡车公司,初为1898年建于奥地利内塞尔多夫的Nesseldorfer Wagenbau-Fabriks-Gesellschaft工厂,生产货车和奔驰汽车配件。 1935年起,太脱拉开始在重卡行业处露 …
TATRA engine :: Tatratrucks.com
A direct air-cooled V8 diesel engine with direct fuel injection (cylinder spacing angle 90 degrees), displacement of 12.7 liters, supercharged using a turbocharger and charge air cooler …
Tatra 813 (1960) - Truck Encyclopedia
The Tatra 813 was a 8x8 Czechoslovak truck produced from 1967 until the arrival of its successor, the T815, which entered service in 1982. The versatile versatile was exported and …
Tatra T-87 Saloon- 1947 - Lane Motor Museum
With the outbreak of war, Tatra was forced to produce military vehicles but the T-87 was allowed in limited production. It is rumored this car was favored by Hitler for its high speed, remarkable …
1950 Tatraplan For Sale - Oldbug
This is a 1950 Tatra T-600 "Tatraplan". Built in Czechoslovakia. There are many similarities between the Tatra and the VW...in fact ther history is tied together far closer than most are …