Do tachyons move faster than light? - Physics Stack Exchange
2015年2月21日 · Now you can make a "tachyon" in this system by flipping all the pendulums upside down: they'll be in a very unstable position, but that's precisely what a tachyon represents. Nevertheless, there's absolutely no way that you could send a signal down the clothesline faster than the "speed of light" in the system, even with this instability.
The speed of tachyons - Physics Stack Exchange
If a tachyon starts from where you are and goes away at faster than the speed of light, you will see the photons it emits earlier than it actually departs. So you will see all these photons coming as if the tachyon were coming toward you at a speed slower than …
special relativity - If we imagine tachyonic particles do exist, then ...
2024年10月11日 · (I imagine that tachyon also sees the speed of light as constant). PS: it is not a same question as "do tachyons really move faster than speed of light". Rather I want to know the speed of tachyons from tachyon's and normal observers. perspective please reopen this.
special relativity - Tachyons and Photons - Physics Stack Exchange
2018年8月27日 · For example, their mass would have to be represented by an imaginary number. Also, a tachyon would get faster and faster as it loses energy, as opposed to normal particles, which need to gain energy to increase their speed. If you follow this sort of reasoning far enough, eventually you wind up with nonsensical results.
special relativity - Tachyon velocity in relation to light speed ...
2022年5月18日 · Depending on the reference frame of the observer, a tachyon could have any velocity that is faster than light. In some reference frame they propagate instantaneously. Different reference frames do not agree on if they propagate forward or backward in time.
Could dark matter/dark energy turn out to be tachyonic?
2015年1月3日 · Tachyon field as dark energy has been studied. Their potential does give solutions to the accelerated expansion of the Universe. The major drawback in accepting such theory is- in general (like ΛCDM model) the expansion doesn't play a significant role beyond redshift z=1 but in tachyonic models they are significant.
What's the difference between a tachyon and an ordinary bradyon?
2016年9月4日 · At a speed faster than light, the tachyon would require much energy to stay at its point, and would begin to speed up, as time and space expand into inversions of what they were. My non expert analysis now follows:) line 1 and 2, yes. Line 3 depends on the frame of reference.
speed of light - Are tachyons time travelers? - Physics Stack …
2019年1月24日 · If tachyons are faster than light, that means they have passed a certain point before anyone or anything can “see” them. Theories have mentioned that if anything can go faster than light, then it can
Would a tachyon be able to escape a black hole?
2015年9月26日 · Your question only really makes sense for a localized tachyon, i.e. one whose wavefunction in position space is constrained to a finite region of space (i.e. has compact support) because that is the only kind that will "fit" inside a horizon of a black hole. And the answer to your question for this kind of tachyon is that it cannot escape a ...
How does faster than light travel violate causality?
So 3k to 13k years. You leave the Tralfamadore going 10x the speed of light relative to its speed, which is .2 speed of light. You are approaching earth at 9.8x the speed of light relative to earth. To me this means you will arrive back on earth 10204 years after you leave the Tralfamadore @ year 23204, not 2796.