Tanana Valley Watershed Association
TVWA has a legacy of maintaining and enhancing restoration programs focusing on watershed and ecosystem functions and processes. We look forward to supporting sustainable …
Story Map — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
TVWA used this fun and interactive "Story Map" system to write a story about the Chena River that runs through downtown Fairbanks. The Chena River has served many purposes …
Staff — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Cory Whiteley - Executive Director Cory joined TVWA in 2023. Originally born in Tanan (Fairbanks), Cory holds a Master of Sustainable Environmental Management degree from the …
Piledriver Slough — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
TVWA sets minnow traps out 3 times each year along the Upper and Lower Piledriver Slough as well as the 23 Mile Slough. During this time TVWA connects with the students and teachers at …
Events — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Come and learn about two stormwater projects that the Tanana Valley Watershed Association (TVWA), the Department of Conservation (DEC), and the City of Fairbanks (COF) will be …
Green Infrastructure — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Between 2023-2025, TVWA has been working on a project to identify and prioritize the road crossings contributing the most contaminants to the Chena River and its tributaries through …
Enter the Storm Drain Art Contest — Tanana Valley Watershed …
Since 2014, TVWA and partners the City of Fairbanks, Fairbanks Stormwater Advisory Committee, Downtown Association, and Festival Fairbanks have invited local artists to submit …
Bioengineering — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
After we assessed the stream banks habitat and monitored the restored habitat on the Chena River. TVWA created the below poster to educate people about the Bioengineering and …
Donate — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Do you shop at Fred Meyers? To donate just click on the Fred Meyers logo and link us with your Fred Meyers Rewards card! With every purchase you make with your card Fred Meyers …
Volunteer — Tanana Valley Watershed Association
We strive to provide residents with the information, insight, and tools they need to make positive changes in the watershed by working together to protect vital resources and the natural beauty …