Beasts | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
In the Star Wars universe, Beasts are usually encountered as threats (such as Acklays, Rancors, and Wampas) or as Mounts (such as Dewbacks and Tauntauns). This section contains …
Category:Creatures | Wookieepedia | Fandom
This category is for non-sentient creatures in the galaxy. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
List of Star Wars creatures - Wikipedia
After the extinction of the Taung, the Mandalorian culture lives on and comprises various species from around the galaxy. The following is a list of Star Wars humanoid sentient species from …
Zillo Beast | Wookieepedia | Fandom
At 97 meters tall, the Zillo Beast towered over all species on its native planet of Malastare and was considered at the top of its food chain until its presumed extinction. Its lengthy, whip-like …
The Most Powerful Creatures In Star Wars - Ranker
2024年12月15日 · Star Wars has long been home to some of science fiction's most interesting and devastating creatures, monsters, and beastly beasties. Since the franchise's earliest days, …
Sith warbeast | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Some of the creatures that the Sith used were the gundark, the silooth, and the tuk'ata. The Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Caldoth, wrote a book titled The Bestiary of Darth Caldoth which …
Beast - Star Wars Saga Edition - swse.miraheze.org
2024年8月18日 · Examples of Beasts in Star Wars: Acklay, Dewback, Nexu, Rancor, Reek, Tauntaun, Wampa.
Beast | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
A beast that gains an Intelligence of 3 or higher as a result of an ability increase is eligible to Multiclass. Beasts do not gain Talents or starting Feats, do not add their Beast Level to their …
Star Wars' Biggest Creatures, From Krayt Dragons to Zillo Beasts
2023年3月27日 · With most Star Wars stories taking place on colonized planets, the type of beasts that could destroy towns and cities are nowhere to be seen. But sometimes a crew of …
Beasts of the Old Republic Lore Entries - Swtorista
There are hundreds of beasts that exist in the Star Wars universe. Below is a list of the beasts that have lore codex entries in Star Wars: The Old Republic, from acklays to zeldrates. There …