St. Rita of Cascia: Patron Saint of the Impossible
2019年5月19日 · St. Rita of Cascia is the patron saint of impossible causes, sterility, abuse victims, loneliness, marriage difficulties, parenthood, widows, the sick, and bodily ills and …
Rita of Cascia - Wikipedia
Portrait of St. Rita, detail of the chest that contained the body, Sanctuary of Cascia. Rita of Cascia, OSA (born Margherita Ferri Lotti; 1381 – 22 May 1457), was an Italian widow and …
St. Rita of Cascia - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
She died on May 22 at Cascia, and many miracles were reported instantly. Canonized in 1900, she is honored in Spain as La Santa de los Impossibles and elsewhere as a patron saint of …
Her Story - St Rita da Cascia
St Rita da Cascia (similarly to St Jude) is known around the world as being a saint of impossible causes. She is known as the patron saint of sterility, abuse victims, loneliness, marriage …
St. Rita of Cascia: A Patron for Impossible Causes - Catholic Exchange
2024年5月22日 · Today is the feast of St. Rita of Cascia, and her intercession has seen many great and seemingly impossible miracles. Born Margherita Lotti in 1381 to aged parents who …
St Rita of Cascia - DAILY PRAYERS
St Rita is the Patron Saint of abused and heartbroken wives and, along with St Jude, lost causes. St Rita’s incorrupt body is interred at the Basilica of Cascia, Italy. Her Feast Day is 22nd May. …
Saint Rita of Cascia
Baptized in the church of Saint Augustine in Cascia, Rita became acquainted with the local Augustinian nuns of Saint Mary Magdalene Monastery and was attracted to their way of life. …
Saint Rita of Cascia - My Catholic Life!
Her incorrupt body is on display in a glass reliquary at the Basilica of Saint Rita in Cascia. It is said that at times her body levitates and that sweet odors permeate the air. Saint Rita, you …
Our Patron Saint - Saint Rita of Cascia
O HOLY Saint Rita, exemplary Augustinian Sister, we honour you for your devotion to the Passion of Christ. Although your early life was filled with disappointment, frustration, and unceasing …
St. Rita of Cascia
Nothing is impossible to God! Born: 1381 Roccaporena, Perugia, Umbria, Italy. Symbols: forehead wound, rose, bees.