Sperrylite - Wikipedia
Sperrylite is a platinum arsenide mineral with the chemical formula PtAs 2 and is an opaque metallic tin white mineral which crystallizes in the isometric system with the pyrite group …
Sperrylite: The platinum mineral sperrylite information and ...
Sperrylite is a rare mineral composed primarily of the precious metal platinum. Aside from native Platinum, Sperrylite is the only platinum ore of any economic importance. It forms in highly …
Sperrylite Mineral Information, photos and Facts; Platinum ...
Sperrylite is generally associated with layered mafic-ultramafic complexes in many of the locations where it has been found. It is an important ore mineral of platinum. It is mined with nickel ores …
Sperrylite - National Gem Lab
Sperrylite is a platinum arsenide mineral and is an important ore of Platinum. In fact, other than native Platinum, Sperrylite is the only Platinum ore of any significance. Sperrylite is found in …
Sperrylite mineral information and data - dakotamatrix.com
Sperryite is the most widespread and one of the most common platinum minerals and occurs in nearly every type of deposit in a couple hundred localities. Sperrylite is an ore of platinum and …
World Class Mineral: Sperrylite (on Chalcopyrite) – Rice ...
The world’s largest specimen of silver-gray, highly lustrous sperrylite crystals. Sperrylite is a rare platinum arsenide mineral, the main ore of platinum and often found as tiny crystals. However, …
Sperrylite: Mineral information, data and localities.
Sperrylite Furuseth S, Selte K, Kjekshus A (1967) On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl …
Sperrylite PtAs2 c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1 Crystal Data: Cubic. Point Group: 2/m 3. Commonly well crystallized as cubes and cubo-octahedrons, to 5 cm; may be …
1.2 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm. This is a sharp 1 cm-tall, tapered crystal of the rare platinum mineral species Sperrylite. It is actually the first sperrylite I had ever seen in person, back in the late 1980s, …
Sperrylite Mineral Data
Sperrylite. Comments: Brilliant, mirror-like modified octahedral crystals of sperrylite to 1.3 cm on chalcopyrite matrix.. Location: Talnak deposit, near Noril'sk, Russia. Scale: 4.4 x 2.3 x 2cm. © …