硫代磷酰氯 98% | Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
A new route has been devised, leading to the production of phosphorus thiotrihalides, SPX3 where X = F, Br and I by an on-line process using phosphorus thiotrichloride, SPCl3 as starting compound gassed over the following heated salts NaF, KBr
硫代磷酰氯 | 3982-91-0 - ChemicalBook
三氯硫磷主要作为有机磷农药生产中广泛应用的原料,用于合成重要的含磷中间体“氯化物”和“二氯化物”,进而可得到一大批硫代磷酸酯类农药 (如对硫磷、辛硫磷、二嗪磷、毒死蜱等)和硫代磷酰胺类农药 (如水胺硫磷、甲基异柳磷、胺草磷等);此外也用作有机合成磷化合物的原料。 该品是一种制造杀螟松,对硫磷、倍硫磷、甲胺磷等有机磷农药的重要中间体。 本品是一种制造杀螟松,对硫磷、倍硫磷、甲胺磷等有机磷农药的重要中间体。 其制备方法是通过三氯化磷与硫磺在催化 …
Phosphoryl chloride - Wikipedia
Phosphoryl chloride (commonly called phosphorus oxychloride) is a colourless liquid with the formula P O Cl 3. It hydrolyses in moist air releasing phosphoric acid and fumes of hydrogen chloride. It is manufactured industrially on a large scale from phosphorus trichloride and oxygen or phosphorus pentoxide. [4] .
Vibrational Spectra of SPCl3, SPCl2F, SPClF2, and SPF3
The infrared spectra of thiophosphoryl trichloride and thiophosphoryl dichlorofluoride in both the liquid and gaseous states, and thiophosphoryl chlorodifluoride and thiophosphoryl trifluoride in only the gaseous state have been recorded from 4000 to 100 cm −1.
THIOPHOSPHORYL CHLORIDE | 3982-91-0 - ChemicalBook
Dec 18, 2024 · Thiophosphoryl chloride was used in the synthesis of O -ethyl dichlorothiophosphate. A colorless fuming liquid. Boiling point 257°F (125 °C). Irritates the eyes and mucous membranes. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Fumes in air. Decomposes in water to form phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride).
三氯硫磷又名硫代磷酰氯 - 百度知道
Jun 4, 2024 · 这款化合物的别名包括硫代氯化磷酰和三氯化硫磷,其分子式为PSCl3或SPCl3。 它的外观呈现出无色或浅黄色的油状液体,散发出强烈的刺激性气味。 三氯硫磷的分子量为169.42,蒸汽压在25℃时为2.93kPa。
Vibrational Spectra of SPCl3, SPCl2F, SPClF2, and SPF3
Microwave, infrared, and Raman spectra, structure, conformational stability, and vibrational assignment for ethylphosphonothioic difluoride. The microwave spectra of ethylphosphonothioic difluoride, CH3CH2P (S)F2, and eight isotopic species have been investigated in the region from 26.5 to 39.5 GHz. Only a‐type transitions were observed… ...
SPCL3 系列 反向关断电压 (VR): 15 ~ 430 V 额定峰值 ... - SETsafe
赛尔特 (SETsafe | SETfuse) 提供峰值功率从200 W到30 kW的TVS二极管,反向电压从5.0 V到512 V。 赛尔特 (SETsafe | SETfuse)2000年成立于中国厦门市。 主要产品是:“设计、制造、销售电路控制及安全保护元器件,提供电路安全解决方案”。 产品畅销40多个国家和地区,主要客户分布于新能源、储能、通信、防雷器、电源、照明、家电、移动设备、等领域,其中包含多家世界500强企业。 产品取得CCC、CQC、UL、cUL、cULus、VDE、TUV、PSE、KC、CE等认证(以 …
Molecular constants of SPF3, SPCl3 and SPBr3: A note on the p-s …
Calculated mean amplitudes of vibration, Coriolis coupling constants and thermodynamic functions are reported. The position of the v (PS) frequency in the three compounds is discussed: it is found to be influenced by force-constant changes in addition to the mechanical coupling. It is also concluded that strong π bonds exist in these molecules.
Thiophosphoryl chloride 98 3982-91-0 - MilliporeSigma
A new route has been devised, leading to the production of phosphorus thiotrihalides, SPX3 where X = F, Br and I by an on-line process using phosphorus thiotrichloride, SPCl3 as starting compound gassed over the following heated salts NaF, KBr. Short-term systems to assess thiophosphoryl chloride standards.