HELP SM7B Mic Vocal Static - HomeRecording.com
2016年6月5日 · Recently I have been having a problem with my SM7B Microphone where the vocal input becomes staticy- Here is a recording of the issue . The Mic would start up normal then switch to the static several minutes into use. Unplugging then re-plugging the pre-amp seems to fix the issue for a short duration before it returns to a staticy state.
Shure MV7 vs. SM7B for Windows PC - HomeRecording.com
2024年1月26日 · I hated the SM7B for years, now I like it. Tastes change, and without doubt the human voice is more connected to different mics than instruments are by far. An SM7B might suit some voices perfectly, and even help people with gaps in their teeth so they sound a bit cutting - the SM7B tends to be good with sibilant HF.
Shure SM7b Handling noise? - HomeRecording.com
2018年9月11日 · I use a Fethead (22kohms) with my SM7b. No bass boost and tends to give the high end a bit more clarity. OP doesn't have the Fetheads yet. From a Focusrite article..... "Impedance Setting Quick Guide - In general, the following selections will yield these results: High mic pre-amp impedance settings - will generate more overall level
Is something wrong with my sm7b? - HomeRecording.com
2014年7月3日 · Bought a shure sm7b and am having an issue I havent had with my other mics. The first time I hooked it up I wasnt getting a signal at all through my preamp. I switched the mic cable and then I was good to go. The next day I was tracking some vocals and every time I touched the mic cable the mic would pick up lots of crackling noises.
Is the Shure SM7B the right fit for my voice?
2017年4月29日 · Also note that the SM7b has filter switches on it for bass rolloff and presence boost. The Bass rolloff should probably be used as I doubt you want much sub information. The presence boost can probably be used to highlight speach recognition but there is the option of setting it flat if you prefer the sound.
Shure Sm7b Problems | HomeRecording.com
2022年10月12日 · Hello, @everyone ''I have a Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic Microphone and M-Track-Duo sound card and Presonus Hd9 headphones. My problem is that even though I spent so much money on the microphone, when recording the sound, it both sounds scratchy and records very mini mini recording. If it were not...
Help! Cloudlifter makes my Shure SM7B worse?
2018年7月5日 · If I use the Cloudlifter with the SM7B, the audio gain is incredibly low with the gain knob at 50%. If I raise the gain in adobe audition, it has so much white noise/hiss. However, if I don't use the Cloudlifter, and crank the gain knob at 100%, my audio is at a pretty good level with less white noise/hiss than using the Cloudlifter.
Shure SM7B Mic and Compressor Question. - HomeRecording.com
2013年3月22日 · The SM7b helps a bit more than a pencil, or electrified pop filter, for stopping a singer/rapper from eating the mic. As arcaxis said, you do need a decent preamp with a substantial clean gain preamp, in order to get the benefits of the SM7b, without a buttload of preamp noise. Forget about using a compressor unless you understand what I just said.
Shure SM7B Too NOISEY??? - HomeRecording.com
2006年9月27日 · I don't have an SM7B (yet), but I do have the VTB-1 and it has plenty of gain for a dynamic (+72dB) and is actually pretty quiet for such a cheap pre. Make sure you have the Tube Blend all the way off (to SS), as that will add noise. Also, try the impedance switch on the back to see if that cleans things up.
SM57/58 vs. AT-2035 vs. Shure SM7B vs. - homerecording.com
2014年12月10日 · If I'm right, then you probably won't like the SM7B which is a large dynamic--know for a very warm, smooth sound quite different for a condenser. A lot get used in radio and voice over studios for that reason but, speaking personally, I prefer an LDC for sung vocals because of the high end detail.