Pros please Talk to me about Frames and Slides for a build.
Mar 20, 2022 · Hello I am not a professional Pistol smith but I have been building pistols and rifles for a long time. On a 1911 I start with and 80% frame use good quality parts. Slides I use some Rocks and others that need finishing. Barrels I like Fusion Firearms best magazines I have best results with Wilson Combat.
Kodak Carousel 2050 slide projector - Photo.net
Feb 13, 2015 · <p>Just got this from my camera club as a freebie. I have shots slides before and still do. This is the first time ever seeing a slide. I have the Kodak 2050 with a Kodak Retina 51mm F.2.8 and a Schneider Vario Cinelux AV MC 85-210mm F3.9. </p> <p>What do …
Scanning technique for vintage lantern slides - Photo.net
Sep 14, 2016 · Lantern slides were made on coated glass plates which could be put under the enlarger and treated like printing paper. If you hold a lantern slide so that the picture looks the right way round, the emulsion will be on the inside of the glass facing you.
Springfield Long Slide 45 - 1911Forum
Nov 7, 2024 · I like long slides ,, my friend Billy1911 let me shoot his Springfield SACS made longslide, what a great gun ! Just puts a round wherever you point it, incredibly accurate ! Really cemented my love for long slides. I ended up building a Fusion 9mm 6” longslide and just is a really nice gun, just great accuracy !
Can you Purchase just the Slide from Kimber? - 1911Forum
Mar 29, 2009 · There are plenty of other brands of slides you can buy however. Some are even better quality then Kimber's own. One of my friends as a Series I Kimber PRO and he has a secondary full sized slide made by another company with full Kimber logo on the left side and on the right side he has his own model name engraved in he came up with.
Scanning Slide Film Results in "Fuzzy" Images - Photo.net
Apr 24, 2008 · Sometimes slides with mostly light colors, or ones that were somewhat overexposed scanned much better. I had no trouble with C41 or B&W negatives on that scanner. I believe that slide film has too great a density range for that kind of scanner to "punch through", and unfortunately 35mm scanners like the 4000tf may not be up to the job for slides.
SF-210 Auto Slide Feeder - Does it worth the price?
May 27, 2006 · To hopefully significantly enhance the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 productivity while scanning in a few thousand 35 mm slides, I am considering to buy the SF-210 Auto Slide Feeder. Question: Does the SF-210 works smoothly, does it - by any means or chance - pose a risk to the actual slide film, doe...
how exactly does slide film processing work? - Photo.net
Nov 27, 2004 · Slides are intended for direct viewing and therefore have higher contrast which results in less latitude and the need for one to carefully expose a slide film to get a good picture. Prints from slides tend to be contrasty if made conventionally, but digital prints from slides can be quite good if you pick the right lab and get good scans.
Slide copy problem with Nikon ES-1 - Nikon - Photo.net
Jul 28, 2016 · Slides are much easier because they are generally individually mounted.</p> <p>Conversion to positive images is hard enough to achieve any sort of consistency even with a scanner. Silverfast HDR software is basically the same as used for their scanner software, with the same interface and all, but designed to start with TIFF, JPEG and other ...
Pre-cut slides are now available for RDS. - 1911Forum
May 4, 2024 · The slides are a by product of the double stacks. We are exploring the Single stacks as well, but for 2024 the best and most affordable way is to have your current slide cut for an optic. This allows you to choose the cut, sights and etc. We won't be offering them various cuts, the K/RMSc is the OEM cut for ALL tisas 1911 products coming to market.