Identifying Kodachrome slides - The Digital Darkroom: Process ...
2009年12月24日 · Some slides came from the processor (even Kodak toward the end) with some stuff embeded on the slide. Do hand spotting on the image using things like the cloning brush, …
Maximum usable resolution from old 35mm slides - Photo.net
2019年8月11日 · Hi everyone, I and my son recently tried scanning a bunch of old 35mm slides on an Epson V600, and were highly disappointed with the results. It claims a resolution up to …
Properly orienting slides for scanning - Photo.net
2004年10月27日 · I have slides from 5 different processing facilities. On all of them, the numbered side is the "shiny" side and the side with the company info (when present) is the emulsion …
Guidelines/rules of thumb for scanning 35mm slides
2007年9月13日 · options for scanning 35mm slides (dedicated drum/film scanners, flatbed. scanners, digital SLR attachments, maybe a few others as well) I acquired an HP G4050 …
Fungus spots on slides - The Wet Darkroom: Film, Paper
2007年2月2日 · The slides were placed on a plastic base in a refrigerator freezer at or below freezing temperature. The slides were removed when a film of moisture could be seen to have …
negatives to slides for projector? - Beginner Questions - Photo.net
2014年11月7日 · <p>Slide projectors can actually damage the slides. On top of that, creating slides from negatives is a complex and expensive operation. </p> <p>I suggest that you scan …
Scanning technique for vintage lantern slides - Photo.net
2016年9月14日 · Lantern slides were made on coated glass plates which could be put under the enlarger and treated like printing paper. If you hold a lantern slide so that the picture looks the …
Cleaning Fingerprints off of Slides - Photo.net
2006年4月11日 · slides. They still do a great job on the negatives that I don't really. care that much about, but my experience just with four slides has. turned me off. From now on, I'll be …
Epson Scan crops 35mm slides, Document Size doesn't help
2014年6月9日 · I'm scanning 35mm slides using Epson Scan in Professional Mode, with the Thumbnail tab selected in the Preview window.<br />I noticed that the resulting images …
When Did 7790314 Start To Appear On Replacement Slides?
2017年3月20日 · At a later time when the government wanted to buy slides from various contractors, they came up with the Cage code and drawing number for the slides. Colt, in their …