LSSR™ Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger | Simpson Strong-Tie
Simpson Strong-Tie has evaluated the LSSR hanger series when installed with 0.148" x 1 1/2" (N10) nails in both face and joist locations. A 12-page guide that lists popular Simpson Strong …
LSSR Installation | Simpson Strong-Tie
LSSR Slopeable / Skewable Rafter Hanger Installation Guide. The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of field-adjustable rafter hangers. One …
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR Light Field-Adjustable Rafter Hanger for …
The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of its key features is that it can be installed after all of the rafters …
Simpson LSSR1.81Z Field Adjustable Rafter Hanger - Zmax Finish
The new Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR rafter hangers are a new style of field adjustable hangers. The LSSR1.81Z can be skewed in the field up to 45 degrees and the unique hinged seat …
Simpson LSSR210Z Field Adjustable Rafter Hanger- ZMAX Finish
The new Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR rafter hangers are a new style of field adjustable hangers. The unique hinged seat on the LSSR210Z allows up to 45-degree slope adjustments upwards …
Introducing New LSSR Sizes - Simpson Strong-Tie Site
In 2018, Simpson Strong-Tie released the patented LSSR hanger series. This new series of hangers offers customers the ability to install the hanger after the framer has temporarily …
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR1.81Z Slopeable and Skewable Rafter Hanger
The Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR1.81Z Slopeable and Skewable Rafter Hanger allows you to install a 1-3/4" wide rafter with either a plumb cut or miter cut that has been tacked in place. This …
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSJ/LSSR Rafter Hangers - Fasteners Plus
The Simpson Strong-Tie LSSJ and LSSR rafter hangers are designed for angled, skewed, or adjustable connections between rafters and beams. Ideal for trusses, sloped joists, and hip …
LSSR Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger - Tropical Construction …
The patent-pending LSSR light slopeable/skewable rafter hanger is the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of its key features is that it can be installed after all of the rafters …
Simpson Strong-Tie LSSR Slopeable/Skewable Rafter Hanger
The new Simpson Strong-Tie patent-pending LSSR light slopeable and skewable rafter hangers are the next generation of a field-adjustable rafter hanger. One of the key features is that it can …