Shure SM7B Mic and Compressor Question. - HomeRecording.com
Mar 22, 2013 · The SM7b helps a bit more than a pencil, or electrified pop filter, for stopping a singer/rapper from eating the mic. As arcaxis said, you do need a decent preamp with a substantial clean gain preamp, in order to get the benefits of …
Famous tracks recorded with Shure SM7b... - HomeRecording.com
Jul 8, 2009 · FWIW a nice alternative to a SM7 is the Beyer (or Beyerdynamic) M400 Soundstar MKII. IMHO it usually works better with a prosumer mic pre vs. the SM7.
Help! Cloudlifter makes my Shure SM7B worse?
Jul 5, 2018 · If I use the Cloudlifter with the SM7B, the audio gain is incredibly low with the gain knob at 50%. If I raise the gain in adobe audition, it has so much white noise/hiss. However, if I don't use the Cloudlifter, and crank the gain knob at 100%, my audio is at a pretty good level with less white noise/hiss than using the Cloudlifter.
Shure SM7B hiss noise - HomeRecording.com
Jul 28, 2023 · I have a problem with a hissing microphone. I use a Shure SM7B microphone, Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd gen.), DM1 Dynamite Preamp and Roland RMC-B10 cable. This is connected to a MacBook Pro M1. I have the Gain on the microphone input set to 50%, this allows me to speak into it comfortably from a distance of about 8cm (3.15 inch).
Is the Shure SM7B the right fit for my voice?
Apr 29, 2017 · Also note that the SM7b has filter switches on it for bass rolloff and presence boost. The Bass rolloff should probably be used as I doubt you want much sub information. The presence boost can probably be used to highlight speach recognition but there is the option of setting it flat if you prefer the sound.
Is something wrong with my sm7b? | HomeRecording.com
Jul 3, 2014 · Bought a shure sm7b and am having an issue I havent had with my other mics. The first time I hooked it up I wasnt getting a signal at all through my preamp. I switched the mic cable and then I was good to go. The next day I was tracking some vocals and every time I touched the mic cable the mic would pick up lots of crackling noises.
Sudden crackling noise from Shure SM7B with GoXLR: How to fix It?
Jun 18, 2021 · Crackling noise from Shure sm7b with goxlr suddenly, can't find reason for it! Hey, I hope this is the right section for this since I am an Audio-Equipment Newbie. So, recently my Shure sm7b started to have a weird crackling-like noise.
Shure SM7b Handling noise? - HomeRecording.com
Sep 11, 2018 · SM7B Studio Microphone From Shure's own site: "Virtually eliminates transmitted noise"? You don't have the cable too tight? I have never owned one (LOVE to!) but it is odd that such a prestigious company as Shure would make such a claim were it not true. Is it possible the mics have been given an almighty bump and the capsules jammed in some ...
Shure sm7b Question - HomeRecording.com
Oct 10, 2017 · The 2i2 does not technically have the gain required by a Shure SM7b (50 vs 60), but let's figure out what the OP is doing before getting things too confused or recommending options that fix a problem other than the first one of (apparently) recording a stereo track with the mono mic input routed to only left or right.
SM57/58 vs. AT-2035 vs. Shure SM7B vs. - homerecording.com
Dec 10, 2014 · My Shure PG-58 and AT-2035 are gone (sob). Got to buy new mics (grin). I have very little experience. But I really liked the AT-2035 during our short time together. It had a lot more "vocal detail" (I don't know what else to call it) than the Shure, but of course it cost a lot more. I need at least two new mics.