Shure SM7B Mic and Compressor Question. - HomeRecording.com
2013年3月22日 · The SM7b helps a bit more than a pencil, or electrified pop filter, for stopping a singer/rapper from eating the mic. As arcaxis said, you do need a decent preamp with a …
Shure SM7B hiss noise - HomeRecording.com
2023年7月28日 · I have a problem with a hissing microphone. I use a Shure SM7B microphone, Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd gen.), DM1 Dynamite Preamp and Roland RMC-B10 cable. This is …
Famous tracks recorded with Shure SM7b... - HomeRecording.com
2009年7月8日 · FWIW a nice alternative to a SM7 is the Beyer (or Beyerdynamic) M400 Soundstar MKII. IMHO it usually works better with a prosumer mic pre vs. the SM7.
Help! Cloudlifter makes my Shure SM7B worse?
2018年7月5日 · If I use the Cloudlifter with the SM7B, the audio gain is incredibly low with the gain knob at 50%. If I raise the gain in adobe audition, it has so much white noise/hiss. However, if I …
Is the Shure SM7B the right fit for my voice?
2017年4月29日 · Also note that the SM7b has filter switches on it for bass rolloff and presence boost. The Bass rolloff should probably be used as I doubt you want much sub information. …
Shure SM7b Handling noise? - HomeRecording.com
2018年9月11日 · SM7B Studio Microphone From Shure's own site: "Virtually eliminates transmitted noise"? You don't have the cable too tight? I have never owned one (LOVE to!) but …
Shure sm7b Question - HomeRecording.com
2017年10月10日 · The 2i2 does not technically have the gain required by a Shure SM7b (50 vs 60), but let's figure out what the OP is doing before getting things too confused or …
Sudden crackling noise from Shure SM7B with GoXLR: How to fix It?
2021年6月18日 · Crackling noise from Shure sm7b with goxlr suddenly, can't find reason for it! Hey, I hope this is the right section for this since I am an Audio-Equipment Newbie. So, …
Is something wrong with my sm7b? | HomeRecording.com
2014年7月3日 · Bought a shure sm7b and am having an issue I havent had with my other mics. The first time I hooked it up I wasnt getting a signal at all through my preamp. I switched the …
Blue Spark vs. Shure Sm7b for vocals? | HomeRecording.com
2012年2月15日 · So, I've narrowed it down to the condenser mic that fits my price range (200-300 usd), the Spark, which has gotten really great reviews from what I've read. However, I know …