word usage - Reason for the current trend to use «she» as the …
Jun 4, 2011 · Usage Note: Using she as a generic or gender-neutral singular pronoun is more common than might be expected, given the continuing debate regarding the parallel use of he. …
pronouns - Referring to objects as "she" - English Language
Sep 18, 2010 · Regarding the usage of "he" in place of "she", this is possible as a backlash against the typical "she" usage: (by a woman) I love my car. He always gets the best service. …
grammar - Where is she? or Where is she at? - English Language …
Sep 12, 2020 · It is not needed because the questions could be more concisely put as "Where is she/he?". This redundancy, and the efforts of seventeenth and eighteenth century …
Which is correct: "This is her" or "This is she"? [duplicate]
For "it is she" pleads that this is probably closer to historical usage, when the ancestor of modern English still had cases, which were most probably applied as in "it is she". // Note that "illa id …
When is it appropriate or disrespectful to refer to someone as "she"?
Aug 23, 2011 · Referring to someone as "he" or "she" while they are present is jarring to me, but the example of using someone's name over and over again is not necessary. Let's say I …
Why does the contraction "she's" mean she is or she has?
When referring to google ngram, I get 3 possible combinations of she's: She 's She's She has. So my question is should she has be contracted as she 's in the above example like in the …
"She" or "her" following "no one but"?
No one but she ever made a perfect score on the test. The above sentence is coordinated from the below sentence: No one has ever made a perfect score on the test, but she has made a …
When to use "is" and "was" for thing that has happened?
As such, it gives information about the subject (She, The transaction). The use of the past tense would imply, for example that "She is not married anymore", and consequently single again. …
Using the pronouns "he" and "she" for animals
May 18, 2013 · In general, when gender is not known, modern grammar textbooks and style guides advise the use of he/she for adult humans and older children, and it when referring to …
grammaticality - "She bore a child" vs "She gave birth to a child ...
Jul 18, 2022 · She bore a son has the upper hand and is currently skyrocketing. But when you look at the results in google.books , they almost exclusively refer to the Bible. So although it is …