Sepsis - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年5月3日 · From data published in 2020, there were 48.9 million cases and 11 million sepsis-related deaths worldwide, representing 20% of all global deaths (2). Almost half (20 million) of all estimated sepsis cases worldwide occurred in children under 5 years of age.
The Global Burden of Sepsis and Septic Shock - PMC
What Is the Epidemiology of Sepsis and Septic Shock? The incidence rates of sepsis and septic shock vary throughout continents and countries, making them serious global health concerns [ 5 ]. According to a recent analysis by the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, there were 11.0 million sepsis-related fatalities and 48.9 million instances of ...
Epidemiology of severe sepsis - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
This article focuses on the epidemiology of severe sepsis and discusses common etiologies, risk factors, and long-term outcomes. The information provided is focused primarily on developed countries, and the epidemiology of severe sepsis in resource-limited countries may differ substantially. Definitions
Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990 ...
2020年1月18日 · The most recent estimate of the global burden of sepsis, by Fleischmann and colleagues, 11 suggested that there were 19·4 million cases of hospital-treated sepsis a year (previously termed severe sepsis) and 5·3 million sepsis-related deaths annually.
Epidemiology of sepsis and septic shock - PubMed
2021年4月1日 · The true epidemiology of sepsis worldwide continues to be a highly debated subject, and more research is needed among low-income countries and high-risk subpopulations.
Global report on the epidemiology and burden of sepsis
2020年9月9日 · In this report, we highlight the public health impact of sepsis, with a particular focus on specific populations and those seeking health care, and we propose future directions and priorities in sepsis epidemiology research.
Bacterial Sepsis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年5月21日 · Epidemiology. Sepsis is associated with high morbidity and mortality and most recently has been identified as affecting nearly 1.7 million US adults every year. Before 2000, mortality was noted to be as high as 50% in severe sepsis and septic shock patients.
Vital Signs: Epidemiology of Sepsis: Prevalence of Health Care …
2016年8月23日 · The findings from this analysis will inform expansion of efforts by CDC and partners to describe the epidemiology of sepsis, prevent infections that lead to sepsis, and educate clinicians and patients about reducing the risk for sepsis.
WHO report on the global epidemiology and burden of sepsis. It stems from original research and existing published evidence and represents the first ever comprehensive ‘deep dive’ on this topic.
Sepsis - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年12月8日 · Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection causes injury to its own tissues and organs. It is frequently a final common pathway to death for many infectious diseases worldwide.
2023 Update on Sepsis and Septic Shock in Adult Patients: …
Background: Sepsis/septic shock is a life-threatening and time-dependent condition that requires timely management to reduce mortality. This review aims to update physicians with regard to the main pillars of treatment for this insidious condition. ...
Sepsis syndromes in adults: Epidemiology, definitions, clinical ...
2025年1月20日 · Sepsis and the inflammatory response that ensues can lead to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and death. The epidemiology, definitions, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and outcomes of sepsis are reviewed here.
The epidemiology of sepsis - PubMed
Since 1987, gram positive bacteria have become the most common organisms responsible for the development of sepsis. Several risk factors for the development of sepsis have been identified including male sex, race, age, comorbid medical conditions, alcohol abuse, and a lower socioeconomic status.
Sepsis | Sepsis | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Learn how CDC is educating patients and healthcare providers about sepsis. Monitor and optimize hospital management and outcomes of sepsis. Sepsis is a medical emergency. Learn the risks, spot the signs and symptoms, and act fast. Sepsis survivors: use these tips to help your body and mind recover.
The Global Burden of Sepsis and Septic Shock - PubMed
2024年7月25日 · A dysregulated host response to infection causes organ dysfunction in sepsis and septic shock, two potentially fatal diseases. They continue to be major worldwide health burdens with high rates of morbidity and mortality despite advancements in medical care.
Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of sepsis in patients ...
2025年2月27日 · Sepsis is a severe complication in patients with malignant tumors, leading to high mortality and increased need for intensive care. ... G. S., Mannino, D. M., Eaton, S. & Moss, M. The epidemiology ...
Epidemiology and Costs of Sepsis in the United States—An …
This analysis of over 2.5 million U.S. sepsis cases demonstrates substantial burden while elucidating the vast heterogeneity of sepsis epidemiology, outcomes, and costs by severity level, including cases where sepsis was not diagnosed until after admission (non-POA).
Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock
Process A task force (n = 19) with expertise in sepsis pathobiology, clinical trials, and epidemiology was convened by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Definitions and clinical criteria were generated through meetings, Delphi processes, analysis of electronic health record databases, and ...
Definition and Epidemiology of Sepsis - PubMed
Here we review the epidemiology of sepsis, focusing on its definition, incidence, and mortality, as well as the demographic insights and risk factors that influence its occurrence and outcomes. We address how age, sex, and racial/ethnic disparities impact upon incidence and mortality rates.
Population-specific genetic-risk scores enable improved prediction …
2025年2月26日 · This was the first GWAS performed on patients with sepsis that reported novel associated genetic variants. It is commonly known that the epidemiology of sepsis differs with race, education, geographic location, income, and insurance status . Hence, ethnicity-based analyses are important to understand if the variants and genes identified in ...
Relationship between the geriatric nutritional risk index and sepsis …
2025年2月24日 · Sepsis is a complex and life-threatening condition characterized by a dysregulated host response to infection, leading to organ dysfunction [].It presents a significant global health challenge, with around 48.9 million cases and approximately 11 million deaths annually, representing nearly 20% of worldwide fatalities [].Sepsis is the most prevalent …
Rethinking Pediatric Sepsis and Septic Shock: Beyond …
2 天之前 · However, the sensitivity and positive predictive value of pediatric organ dysfunction scores remain unclear, as sepsis in children differs significantly from adult sepsis, including age-specific variability in vital signs, age-dependent immune function, and differences in pediatric-specific comorbidities, epidemiology, and outcomes.
Epidemiology and burden of sepsis acquired in hospitals and …
We aimed to summarize the epidemiological evidence related to the burden of hospital-acquired (HA) and ICU-acquired (ICU-A) sepsis. We searched MEDLINE, Embase and the Global Index Medicus from 01/2000 to 03/2018.
Validating the Epic Deterioration Index (DI) for First Episode Rapid ...
The epidemiology of sepsis in the United States from 1979 through 2000. N Engl J Med. 2003; 348:1546-1554. Crossref. Scopus (5137) PubMed. Google Scholar. 11. Khwannimit, B. ∙ Bhurayanontachai, R. The epidemiology of, and risk factors for, mortality from severe sepsis and septic shock in a tertiary-care university hospital setting.
The Changing Epidemiology and Definitions of Sepsis
This article describes the trends in the incidence of and mortality from sepsis in the United States and globally. The article then discusses the known factors associated with increased risk for developing sepsis and the limitations of the current clinical …
Early antibiotics administration reduces mortality in sepsis patients ...
2025年1月28日 · Sepsis is one of the many emergencies in medicine. It is a syndrome of physiological and pathological dysfunctions in the host caused by severe infection . Sepsis and septic shock are one of the major health care problems in Thailand and in the world [2, 3]. Even with advanced health care, mortality rate in sepsis patient can be as high as 30%.
Sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock: changes in incidence, …
This article will start by discussing the initial and the current clinical definitions of sepsis, including recent considerations for revision, and use that definition to explore the general epidemiology of sepsis in both the developed and the developing world.
Analysis of risk factors for foot ulcers in diabetes patients with ...
2025年2月26日 · Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a common and highly morbid consequence of long-standing, poorly managed diabetes. Of the estimated 537 million people with diabetes worldwide, 19% to 34% will develop a DFU in their lifetime [], with approximately 18.6 million new cases diagnosed annually [].China has the world's largest population of diabetic patients, estimated …
The current understanding of sepsis and research priorities for the ...
This issue begins with a description of current secular trends into the epidemiology of sepsis and septic shock worldwide. The paper by Mayr, Yende, and Angus 2 provides an overview of the clinical parameters and consequences of sepsis across different populations of “at risk” patients worldwide. The complex interactions between pre ...