Semiramis - Wikipedia
Semiramis (/ s ə ˈ m ɪr ə m ɪ s, s ɪ-, s ɛ-/; [1] [page needed] Syriac: ܫܲܡܝܼܪܵܡ Šammīrām, Armenian: Շամիրամ Šamiram, Greek: Σεμίραμις, Arabic: سميراميس Samīrāmīs) was the legendary [2] [3] Lydian-Babylonian [4] [5] wife of Onnes and of Ninus, who succeeded the latter on the throne of Assyria, [6 ...
Who Was Semiramis, Nimrod's Wife? - Bible Study Tools
2024年1月22日 · But Eusebius—a well-respected ancient biblical scholar and historian—identifies Semiramis as the wife of Nimrod. Based on a combination of all these assumptions, countless other historians and scholars have written volumes about Semiramis—transforming the historical Queen Sammu-ramat into the legendary Queen Semiramis.
沙米拉姆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在 古希腊神话 中 [1], 塞弥拉弥斯 (Semiramis, 希臘語: Σεμίραμις)或 沙米拉姆 (Shamiram, 亞美尼亞語: Շամիրամ)是 尼诺斯 (Ninus)国王的传奇王后,成功地接替了他的 亚述 王位。 她的传说主要源自 西西里的狄奧多羅斯 、 查士丁 和尼多斯人 克特西亚斯 关于她与尼诺斯国王的关系及她亚述女王神话的描述,但在亚述国王名单中并未得到证实。 在 西亚 和 小亚细亚 很多已被遗忘或不知出处的 古迹 上,都用到了塞弥拉弥斯这个名字 [2]。 古幼发拉底 …
塞弥拉弥斯 (Semiramis, 希腊语:Σεμίραμις)赛弥拉弥斯或沙米拉姆 (Shamiram, 亚美尼亚语:Շամիրամ)是尼诺斯(Ninus)国王的传奇王后,成功地接替了他的 亚述 王位。 她的传说主要源自狄奥多罗斯·西库路斯、 查士丁 和尼多斯人克特西亚斯关于她与尼诺斯国王的关系及她亚述女王神话的描述,但在 亚述 国王名单中并未得到证实。 在 西亚 和 小亚细亚 很多已被遗忘或不知出处的 古迹 上,都用到了赛弥拉弥斯这个名字。 古 幼发拉底河 或 伊朗 的每一项巨大工程最终似乎 …
Semiramis - World History Encyclopedia
2014年8月18日 · Semiramis is a legendary queen thought to based on the historical Sammu-Ramat (r. 811-806 BCE) the queen regent of the Assyrian Empire who held the throne for her young son Adad Nirari III until he reached maturity. She …
Shammuramat - Wikipedia
Shammuramat was immortalized in later Persian, Levantine and Greco-Roman literary tradition as the legendary Assyrian warrior-queen and heroine Semiramis, a half-divine daughter of the Aramean goddess Atargatis and the wife of the fictional Ninus, the legendary and mythical founder of Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire.
The True Story of Semiramis, Legendary Queen of Babylon
2017年9月11日 · In the Neo-Assyrian regime of the ninth century B.C., one woman commanded an entire empire stretching from Asia Minor to what is today western Iran. She was Sammu-ramat, thought to mean “high...
Sammu-Ramat and Semiramis: The Inspiration and the Myth
2014年9月16日 · Sammu-Ramat (r. 811-806 BCE) was the queen regent of the Assyrian Empire who held the throne for her young son Adad Nirari III (r. 811-783 BCE) until he reached maturity. She is also known as Shammuramat, Sammuramat, and, most notably, as Semiramis, the legendary and semi-divine super-heroine immortalized by later historians.
Life and Reign of Neo-Assyrian Queen Semiramis - World History …
2024年12月6日 · Semiramis was a legendary Warrior-Queen of Assyria, whose life and reign are chronicled by the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus in his Bibliotheca Historica. Diodorus draws on earlier sources, including Ctesias of Cnidus, to present a …
Who Was Semiramis of Assyria? Founder, Seductress, Warrior Queen
2019年3月12日 · Semiramis was the daughter of a nymph Derceto from Ascalon in Syria, and doves raised her until she was found by shepherds. Semiramis married Onnes, a general in the Syrian army. Soon the mighty king Ninus of Nineveh called upon them to support his campaign to Bactria (Central Asia).
About Semiramis Also Known as Sammu-Ramat - ThoughtCo
2019年6月2日 · Semiramis (Sammu-Ramat or Shammuramat) is a semi-legendary Assyrian queen. Learn which parts of her story are historical and which are legends.
Semiramis of Assyria: Separating Fact from Fiction About the …
2024年5月26日 · Ancient accounts portray her as a seductress, schemer, and warrior of unparalleled prowess who founded cities, built monuments, and conquered distant lands. But how much of her story is fact, and how much is fiction? Most historians today believe the legendary Semiramis is loosely based on a real Assyrian queen named Sammuramat.
Mystery Of Queen Semiramis: Famous And Powerful Ancient …
2018年2月15日 · Queen Semiramis (Sammu-Ramat) was the legendary wife of King Ninus, succeeding him to the throne of Assyria and she ruled the Assyrian Empire between 811-806 B.C. Her achievements and influence made her a controversial, famous and power ancient ruler. Ancient places in Assyria, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, …
Semiramis (Sammu-Ramat): Woman Ruler of Assyria
2022年9月5日 · One such powerful woman was Sammu-Ramat, whose reign in the 9th century BC over most of southwest Asia to modern-day Iran led her to command the respect of her subjects and the world. For hundreds of years after her reign, many Greek historians and writers researched extensively the Assyrian queen and her accomplishments.
Semiramis - Livius
Semiramis (Greek: Σεμίραμις): legendary queen of Assyria and founder of Babylon, known from Greek, Armenian, and Jewish sources. The name Semiramis is historical. The wife of the Assyrian king Šamši-Adad V (r.824-811 BCE) was called Šammuramat, which is correctly rendered in Greek as Semiramis.
Semiramis - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月29日 · Semiramis in Greek mythology, the daughter of an Assyrian goddess who married an Assyrian king. After his death she ruled for many years and became one of the founders of Babylon. She is thought to have been based on …
Semiramis, the Real and Legendary Assyrian Queen
2020年5月3日 · When Shamshi-Adad died in 811 B.C. Semiramis became the queen of the largest empire in the world, and she ruled until 806 B.C., when her son ascended to the throne. Semiramis was known throughout the medieval and classical world …
Assyrian Queen Sammu-Ramat and the Goddess, Semiramis
2016年11月19日 · The Legend of Semiramis. The mythology of the Assyrian warrior queen, Semiramis, spread all around the eastern Mediterranean. Her story permeated throughout the lands of the extensive Assyrian Kingdom, and moved up through Armenia and other Annatolian peoples to reach the Greek city-states.
Semíramis - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
Semíramis Reina Semiramide, 1905, de Cesare Saccaggi de Tortona. Semiramis (una figura llegendària basada en la vida de Shammuramat) representada com una amazona armada en una il·lustració italiana del segle XVIII. Els armenis i els assiris de l'Iraq, el nord-est de Síria, el sud-est de Turquia i el nord-oest de l'Iran encara fan servir Shamiram com a nom propi per a les noies. [9]