SDG Tracker: Measuring progress towards the ... - Our World in Data
Jul 18, 2023 · Our SDG Tracker presents data across all available indicators from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the UN and other international organizations. This free, open-access information tracks global progress towards the SDGs and allows people worldwide to hold their governments accountable for achieving the agreed goals.
Open SDG
An open source, free-to-reuse platform for managing and publishing data and statistics related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Flexible and customisable with a variety of …
sdggsd : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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SDGs Dashboard: Track, Monitor and Report Data on Global Goals
SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhereSDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agricultureSDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesSDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for allSDG 5: Achieve gender equ...
UN SDG Action Campaign | home
Witness the unveiling of powerful artworks tackling global challenges such as climate action, food security, peace, youth, digital and gender equality. These powerful works from diverse voices around the world convey hope and urgent calls for change.
SDG Knowledge Hub
Yes, You Can Manage Transformations for Sustainable Development! The SDG Update compiles the news, commentary and upcoming events that are published on the SDG Knowledge Hub …
IISD's Own Work on the Sustainable Development Goals
At a United Nations summit in 2015, countries adopted a new development agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IISD recommends strategic solutions towards SDGs' on a global level.
SDGs - Explainers - United Nations Sustainable Development
Educate yourself by reading our Explainers on some of the thematic issues and Fast Facts on why each Goal matters below. What is Sustainable Development and how can it help us build a better...
Topics | Sustainable Development
Institutional Frameworks and international cooperation for Sustainable Development. Mountains. Multi-stakeholder partnerships
Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure (SDGD) …
The Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations, authored by Carol Adams, Professor of Accounting, with Paul Druckman and Russell Picot, Honorary Professors at Durham University Business School, offer a new approach for businesses and other organisations to address sustainable development issues aligned to the International I...