Sari Sumdac Theory. | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2016年9月16日 · The pod must have somehow avoided the quantum wave whne the planetbuster blew (or it got trans-warped into the future), and after planetfall it scanned Dr. Sumdac as the …
Sari Sumdac's age.....? | TFW2005 - The 2005 Boards
2020年9月9日 · In the first few episodes of Season 3, Sari wants to join the Autobots in their exploits, having come to terms with her nature, but she's left behind on account of still being …
Non-TF: TFA Season 3 Sari Sumdac - tfw2005.com
2009年6月22日 · Here's my custom TFA Season 3 Sari Sumdac: I started off with a 3.75" Star Wars: The Clone Wars Padme Amidala figure, then sculpted on the extra details with modeling …
2D Artwork: - Sari Sumdac's robot mode - TFW2005
2019年2月12日 · The original kid Sari never transformed. So I decided to make my own version of what Kid Sari might look like as a robot. I used animation models of Kid Sari and Teen Sari as …
Battlemaster Sari Sumdac Conversion Kit - TFW2005
2020年9月13日 · The goal of this kit is to convert Siege/Earthrise Battlemaster Rung, of IDW fame, into a Battlemaster version of the Animated Autobots' Techno-Organic companion, Sari …
How would you explain sari’s backstory? | TFW2005 - The 2005 …
2021年10月4日 · In my headcanon, Sari is the first of a new breed of protoform, designed to incorporate organic biology into its technological frame. Perhaps some paradox is involved, …
Image of cancelled TFCC Sari Sumdac | Page 4 - TFW2005
2017年3月1日 · Sari I already explained, Sumdac was essentially G. B. Blackrock in terms of being the material supporter for the Autobots, and Captain Fanzone was a machine-crushing …
Sari's parents (technicaly no spoil, but still heavy ... - TFW2005
2008年4月13日 · Sari is a spark. When Megatron told Sumdac that he knew nothing of the "spark", I believe Megs underestimated Sumdac's intelligence and the actual 50 years of …
Heavy/Scratch: 3D Printable Animated Sari Sumdac
2022年11月20日 · This one's been a long time coming. I started a Version 1 ages ago that used ball joints but scrapped it because the tolerances were all off.
Transformers Animated: Heroes Shattered Glass mottos
2009年9月9日 · Sari Sumdac/Circuit Breaker – “They’ll never see me coming” Blaster w/Steeljaw– “Time to swing, time to jive. Listen to me, and you’ll survive” Wheeljack – “I got it! I’ll make …