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The SAPRTEC Course Catalog is now available on SPARX Connection and VALIANT. The catalog offers a consolidated, comprehensive listing of SAPRO course offerings and more than 30 self-paced courses and webinars for SAPR professionals. …
Reports - SAPR
SAPRO's dedication to scientifically-based, trauma-informed assessment methods are used to develop its reports on sexual assault in the military. The results of the reports are used to shape the Department's sexual assault prevention and response efforts. SAPRO Reports
Policy - SAPR
DoD Directive 6495.01 - Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program DoDD 6495.01 is overarching DoD policy that establishes the SAPR program, implements DoD policy, and assigns responsibilities for the SAPR program …
Victim Assistance - SAPR
The SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs includes resources and tools to use when assisting victims of sexual assault plus all SAPR DD Forms.
Latest Policy Updates - SAPR
“Updates to Department of Defense Policy and Procedures for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program and Adult Sexual Assault Investigations,” effective November 10, 2021. This memorandum was jointly issued by the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DSD) and the DoD IG. It includes the following SAPR and sexual assault investigations ...
Prevention - SAPR
SAPRO is committed to eliminating sexual assault in the military and promoting force readiness. DoD is pursuing integrated primary prevention aimed at stopping harmful behaviors in the military community before they occur. Everyone has a role to play in fighting the crime of sexual assault
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - SAPR
SAPRTEC is a capability within DoD SAPRO responsible for standardizing training and education across the DoD. SAPRTEC strives to develop, deliver, and oversee training, education, and related requirements for integrated primary prevention and sexual assault response throughout the DoD to enable standardization and continuous improvement.
SAPR Toolkit for Commanders and SARCs | SAPR
Commanders and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) are responsible for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program at their military installation or organization.
Catch a Serial Offender (CATCH) Program - SAPR
For more information, review the Victim Info Sheet for the CATCH Program and contact your local Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) or Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Victim Advocate (VA). To locate a SARC or SAPR VA near you, click here. For general questions about the CATCH Program, contact SAPRO. For CATCH website IT ...
What is SAPRO, when was it established, and what is it responsible for? SAPRO was established in 2005 and serves as the DoD’s single point of accountability for sexual assault prevention and response policy and program oversight.