Salem sump NG tube - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2011年4月28日 · The Levin Tube. The actual tubing is referred to as lumen. The Levin tube is a one-lumen nasogastric tube. The Salem-sump nasogastric tube is a two-lumen piece of equipment; that is, it has two tubes. The Levin tube is usually made of plastic with several drainage holes near the gastric end of the tube.
NG Tube Leaking, Tips? - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2010年10月11日 · Try opening another Salem sump tube and replacing the filter port. Instill 10cc of air into the blue port, place the filter in the blue port, remember, blue to blue, and place back on low intermittent suction. This should solve the problem. This usually happens a lot while patients are being tube fed and improper use of the tube.
NG tube question - General Nursing Support - allnurses
2010年5月21日 · Hello. So I have been a nurse for 1 1/2 years. I have had some pt's with NG tubes. Recentely however I had one that was a salem sump NG tube. It was set up to suction and orders were to flush with 30 ml q 4 hours. Is this the correct nursing procedure steps?
Salem Sump NG Tubes - Medical-Surgical Nursing - allnurses
2005年3月2日 · Argyle Salem Sump Tubes. Double lumen PVC tube- one for suction drainage and one for sump vent. X-ray opaque Sentinel Line with Sentinel Eye. Integral funnel connector with removable 5-in-1 adapter. Integral irrigation funnel for irrigating through sump vent lumen. Funnel end of vent lumen can be used to cap 5-in-1 adapter. Packaged sterile.
Having trouble understanding the different types of NG tubes
2012年12月30日 · The salem sump tube is double lumen, I believe, one lumen is large for suctioning and feeding/meds and the other lumen is small to equalize the pressure after suctioning. I'm guessing that you would want to use different types of NG's for different patients because not all NG's are for suctioning so the double lumen would be pointless for those ...
Salem Sump NG Tubes - Page 2 - Medical-Surgical Nursing
2005年3月2日 · Theoretically, the salem sump can be hooked to continuous suction. The blue port is supposed to keep the tube from sticking to the wall of the stomach, which is the main danger of continuous suction. However, most facilities (where I've worked; not sure about the others) and many physicians prefer all NGTs to be to intermittent suctions still.
Blue Pigtail on Nasogastric Tube - Patient Safety Issues - allnurses
2015年4月23日 · Make sure you connect your patient back up to the bells, wires, whistles. When you assess, you need to be sure that you are still getting output, how much from the last hour, (I enjoy hourly I&O's just for accuracy) and that the NG tube is connected properly. If you are charting that the NG tube is in place, make sure that it is.
Intermitant or continuous suction for salem sump NGT?
2008年9月22日 · The Salem sump and the Levin tube are commonly used NG tubes that are placed for GI decompression or drainage. The Salem sump has two lumens, one for drainage and one for air. The drainage lumen is usually connected to low continuous suction. At times, however, higher levels may be needed. The air vent keeps the tube away from the stomach …
Difference between Salem Sump & Dobhoff? - General Nursing
2023年8月14日 · Hi, I'm a nursing student trying to understand NG tube feeding. I'm confused why we use 1 port for feeding, irrigation, suctioning, and meds for Salem Sump. Meanwhile, we use 2 ports for Dobhoff for meds and feedings. Why would we need 2 ports for Dobhoff when we could put them in one port similar to Salem Sump? Can someone explain??
NG tube output - any guesses? - Medical-Surgical Nursing
2012年10月7日 · Had a pt with a possible small bowel obstruction (bowel sounds were great, asymptomatic pt with a prior bm that am, no distention, etc.) unconfirmed by CT that had low intermittent NG suction with a salem sump tube. Output changed from expected cloudy straw colored fluid to rust colored/brown and frothy - what could this be?