Arn Peralun - Wookieepedia
During the Republic storyline in Legacy of the Sith, players of either sex have the opportunity to flirt with Arn at a couple of points, once after rescuing him from his wrecked ship, and once after defeating Major Dosk, stating that they "enjoy his company".
Arn Peralun Companion Guide - Swtorista
High quality screenshots and how to get the Arn Peralun in SWTOR by Swtorista. Click here to view!
arn - Swtorista
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Arn Peralun – Companions and Contacts - Jedipedia.net's SWTOR Database
Arn Peralun The Damaged Padawan. Severely wounded by artillery fire while he was still a padawan, Arn Peralun has only recently returned to complete his training as a Jedi. Like his master, Tau Idair, Arn struggles with his place among the Jedi, even as he remains determined to become the heroic protector of the peace that he has always aspired ...
SWTOR 7.6 Galactic Threads Story Overview, Delay, and Why …
2024年11月15日 · SWTOR’s next solo story update “Galactic Threads” features a ton of characters and multiple arcs nearing their end, but the story won’t be coming alongside Game Update 7.6. We’ll talk about what’s happening and why the delay is good.
r/swtor on Reddit: What do you think about Tau Idair and Arn …
Arn was more fun. Being an older and experienced person, but still an impressionable and easily-intimidated padawan, was a good dynamic. And I enjoyed his interactions with Lana. I feel like the game kind of screwed me over though on trying to turn Arn to the dark side?
Arn's Unshielded Lightsaber - Swtorista
The Arn's Unshielded Lightsaber is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another player, bought directly from the Cartel Market for cartel coins, or found by random chance in a Cartel Pack.
I really love Arn as a character [spoiler] : r/swtor - Reddit
2019年11月2日 · Arn is the poster-boy for PTSD and shouldn't be anywhere near the front lines. And then giving him to Tau (who apparently is strong enough to be even an obstacle to Malgus now? The hell?) who isn't exactly tightly rolled herself isn't going to help either one of them.
Arn Peralun - SWTOR Companion, Contact, and Follower
Severely wounded by artillery fire while he was still a padawan, Arn Peralun has only recently returned to complete his training as a Jedi. Like his master, Tau Idair, Arn struggles with his place among the Jedi, even as he remains determined to become the heroic protector of the peace that he has always aspired to be.
Arn Peralun – Codex entries – Jedipedia.net's SWTOR Database
More than eighty percent of Arn's body was augmented or replaced to save his life after he was struck by artillery fire while defending the people of Dakot 7 from a roving band of slavers. The lengthy recovery and adaptation process set Arn's training back several years, making him one of the oldest padawans in the Jedi order; yet another way ...