Is a SUV or Van a truck? - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Dec 12, 2016 · I recently had a dispute with someone over a SUV being a truck. I said it was a nice truck and the other party said it was not a truck but a SUV to which I stated that a SUV is a type of truck. Then we got into GMC trucks and if they are GM's truck division and they make a SUV it must be a truck. Then they stated a van is not a truck either.
gas guage on my 1999 silverado been acting weird...
Jan 26, 2004 · I have the exact same problem with the fuel gauge on my 99 Silverado. I was told my a friend who is a GM technician that this is a common problem seen on these trucks/SUV's. The fuel gauge sending unit is the culprit. He claims that cleaning the contacts won't help, but I may try that first. I'll post my results ASAP.
98 s10 with 350 swap??? - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Nov 29, 2006 · There are 3 different versions on the 4L60E, S series (blazer,sonoma), C/K series (sierra,tahoe), and car series (camaro, vette, firebird). They are the same shells, but have slightly different internals. If you have 4WD, you should upgrade to the larger truck/suv series.
Rear Diff OIL WEIGHT 98 blazer - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Feb 25, 2009 · If the rear end is in a truck or suv then the differential is the locking differential which does not need the additive. I know that the new synthetic grape smelling GM fluid said not to use the additive with a locking rear end in a truck. I just use royal purple 75w-90 which has an additive and I have never had an issue with my locking rear end.
Stalling with gas tank below 1/4 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Dec 22, 2007 · then for a moment drop down to 10lbs then slowly build back up. to check for this you have to let the pump run up to 30 minutes and if it holds for 30 minutes without dropping below 42 lbs then it is not your fuelpump. another thought is that your sending arm is bent or hanging at 1/4 and it is on the side of the fuelpump in the tank. as the f ...
98 isuzu trooper buring oil excessively - Car Forums and …
Aug 24, 2003 · We have a '99 Trooper that used about 1-11/2 quarts between changes(3-3.5k) & I thought that was a lot! Seems my consumption is less than some. I just switched to Mobil1 truck & suv 5w40 because of the additive package it has, it is my oil of choice for my 6.0 Ford diesel also. The first thing I noticed was the noisy lifters quieted down quite ...
Reduced engine power in 2003 Suburban - Automotive Forums .com
Apr 26, 2012 · Our 2003 suburban often gets a "reduced engine power" displayed by the computer and the RPMs drop to below 1,000. The vehicle will not accelerate and will not go above 1,200 RPMs no matter how much gas it is getting. Flooring the gas pedal has absolutely no effect and the truck continues on its merry way at about 20 miles per hour.
'07 5.3L V8 to V4 switching has slight vibe
Nov 27, 2011 · DiabloSport Predator (U7194) 2006-2012 GM Car, Truck, SUV. Its 265.oo ...If your out of warrantee the dealership will charge more to look at it. contact these people I am sure they can give lots of info. also they have a tuning forum.
How many miles can a 1999+ truck take? - Car Forums and …
Jun 1, 2005 · Buy a truck with the fewest miles you can afford. They should last well into the 200,000mile range with care and scheduled maintence. But, if you buy a truck with high miles you won't know how the truck has been taken care of, has the tranny fluid ever been changed, has the coolant ever been changed.
How many miles do you have your Isuzu? - Automotive Forums .com
Mar 7, 2005 · year:1994 engine:3.2 v6 mileage: 170900m MAJOR issues: outside of the regular fluids, changed oil every 3000 miles, battery and 2 sets of tires, water pump, timing belt, fuel filter due to receiving bad, contaminated gas loaded with rust and sand!!!!, 2 oxygen sensors, alternator, and several seals. the vehicle is GREAT!!! i love my truck!!!