Sirtuin 6 - Wikipedia
Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6 or Sirt6) is a stress responsive protein deacetylase and mono-ADP ribosyltransferase enzyme encoded by the SIRT6 gene. [5] [6] [7] In laboratory research, SIRT6 appears to function in multiple molecular pathways related to aging, including DNA repair, telomere maintenance, glycolysis and inflammation. [5]
《Nature》最新研究:SIRT6 或可帮助人类寿命达120岁! - 知乎
SIRT6属于SIRT2蛋白家族中的一员,目前已知其拥有 NAD+ 依赖的 组蛋白去乙酰化酶 和 单ADP核糖基转移酶 两种功能。 SIRT6 通过这两种功能在调控DNA修复、 端粒维护 、葡萄糖与脂质的代谢、炎症反应以及癌症的发生与发展等方面发挥重要作用,是促进生物机体的健康、长寿的重要一环。 3. 延长寿命的“青春之泉” 研究人员通过各种生化方法和代谢分析,破译了 SIRT6 作为“青春之泉”如何提高能量产生、促进健康衰老的机制。 研究表明,在缺乏外部能源(例如短暂禁 …
长寿蛋白SIRT6在肿瘤发生发展中的作用 - Chinese Journal of ...
SIRT6作为组蛋白去乙酰化转移酶 (Histone deacetylases,HDACs) 第三家族长寿蛋白 (Sirtuins,SIRTs) 中的一员,具有多种催化酶活性,且在抗衰老、染色质调节、转录调控、糖脂代谢、DNA损伤修复等生物学过程中起着重要的作用。
SIRT6: Novel Mechanisms and Links to Aging and Disease
SIRT6, a member of the Sirtuin family of NAD +-dependent enzymes, has established roles in chromatin signaling and genome maintenance. Through these functions, SIRT6 protects against aging-associated pathologies including metabolic disease and …
SIRT6 is a key regulator of mitochondrial function in the brain
2023年1月18日 · SIRT6 deficiency in the brain leads to mitochondrial deficiency with a global downregulation of mitochondria-related genes and pronounced changes in metabolite content. We suggest that...
SIRT6: A master epigenetic gatekeeper of glucose metabolism
SIRT6 has emerged as a critical regulator of metabolism, likely influencing multiple biological processes, such as cell proliferation, energy and nutrient balance, and potentially contributing to metabolic diseases and tumorigenesis.
SIRT6功能与疾病研究进展 - ccj.pku.edu.cn
SIRT6是酵母sir2在哺乳动物中的同源物sirtuin家族SIRT1-SIRT7中的一员。 SIRT6具有NAD+依赖的蛋白去酰化酶和ADP核糖基转移酶活性,主要定位在细胞核。 SIRT6可通过对组蛋白和非组蛋白去酰化或对部分蛋白底物核糖基化而在基因组稳定性、代谢、炎症、细胞衰老、肿瘤 ...
51548 - Gene ResultSIRT6 sirtuin 6 [ (human)] - National Center for ...
2025年2月8日 · SIRT6 protects human endothelial cells from DNA damage, telomere dysfunction, and senescence. SIRT6 is upregulated in both paclitaxel-resistant and epirubicin-resistant MCF-7 cells. SIRT6 plays a role in regulating the terminal effector pathways of human labor and delivery via the NFKB pathway.
清华大学药学院王钊课题组发文揭示SIRT6蛋白通过抑制TNFR2信 …
sirt6作为著名的长寿基因,此前已被发现能调控代谢、抵抗肥胖,但其在癌症恶病质中的作用尚属空白。 研究内容. 研究团队从临床数据出发,发现胃癌患者中,非恶病质患者的血清sirt6水平显著高于恶病质患者,由此提出假设:sirt6或通过调控代谢抵抗恶病质。
SIRT6 Widely Regulates Aging, Immunity, and Cancer - PubMed
2022年4月6日 · This review focuses mainly on the regulatory functions of SIRT6 in aging, cancer, and, especially, immunity. Particular attention is paid to studies illustrating the critical role of SIRT6 in the regulation of immune cells from the viewpoints of immunesenescence, immunometabolism, and tumor immunology.