SE93 - SAP Community
I have created a transaction code in SE93. Its for a report program. When i go to SE93 display the transaction and then execute it, it says, GUI capability of transaction ZF18 not yet classified. However whn i enter this transaction in the commant field and execute it executes properly. whats the problem and is it significant. Madhu.
Screen number error while using tcode se93.... - SAP Community
I m converting a report program into a t-code using se93. after giving program name,description, screen number should be given, here the screen number should be given as per the system >status >screen number or v should be write call screen in the program. i m confused wit it, i had checked the forum also. REPORT ZWHILE1. data: length type i ...
se93 program of the t-code - SAP Community
Jan 15, 2016 · In se93 , there is no mention of the program name .how do i find what program is used . Thanks . pooja.
Create T_Code for Report painter ... - SAP Community
Hi all, Who can help me ... Pls. I use Tcode SE93, chose "Program and screen". Input screen number 1000, than testing it, report open, but Execute button disappear ...
Table Maintaince with Transaction SM30 with selection Screen
Hi Friends, I have a requirement for maintance of Z table "ABC" and it need to be maintanied. This Ztable should have Ztransaction Code connecting to transaction SM30.
Transaction code which using method of a class as start object
Hi all, I'm creating a new tcode 'Z123' which is tied to a method of a class in SE93. However, when I run this tcode and into debug mode, SY-TCODE will always return OS_APPLICATION.
re-process SAME IDOC no in a custome program without it …
Hi. I have an incomming idoc which depending on some condition i i put the idoc in staus 52 so that another program will be able to re-process is later on.