SCP-509 - SCP Foundation
SCP-509-A is a wooden sauna located in Gaston, Oregon. When activated remotely, it functions as normal for an electric stove sauna, producing steam by dripping water onto a heated …
SCP-509 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-509 is to be hooked up to 1 fully charged 12-Volt car battery, for "feeding," once a day. Description: SCP-509 is what can only be described as a living electric life form.
SCP-509 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-509. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: Both SCP-509 are to be contained on-site. Laconic Description: SCP-509 is both a sauna that turns humans into pig …
SCP-509 | Men Are Pigs (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-509: Men Are Pigs, Object class: Safe.SCP-509 is the c...
SCP-509 - SCP基金会
SCP-509-A是一個木製桑拿房,位於位於俄勒岡州加斯頓市。 遠端啟動時,功能和一般電爐桑拿相同,都是在加熱面上滴水而產生蒸氣。 當地記錄顯示,SCP-509-A建於1987年。 直到1995年 …
SCP-509(旧) - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-509是一个木制桑拿屋,尺寸大约为3m x 3m x 4m,是标准电炉桑拿屋的尺寸(举例:炉子加热上面的石头,然后在石头上滴水制造蒸汽)。 当509被使用的时候,509表现得就 …
SCP-509 | Wiki La Fundación SCP | Fandom
SCP-509-A es un sauna de madera ubicado en Gaston, Oregon. Cuando es activado remotamente, funciona normalmente como un sauna con estufa eléctrica, produciendo vapor …
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