SCP-248 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · SCP-248-1 is a 1979 John Deere tractor in an extremely rusted state. Most of the engine is missing, apparently from a restoration that was never completed. The frame is also partially missing near the rear of the tractor where the driver would be positioned.
SCP-248 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-248 is a twenty-five-page booklet of stickers, each labeled "110%", all made by The Factory. When placed on any machine, it will start operating 110% faster, and the sticker cannot be removed.
SCP-248 - 110% - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-248 - 25-страничный буклет с наклейками, на каждой наклейке написано «110%», в правом нижнем углу каждой наклейки выдавлено слово «Фабрика». Сам буклет имеет размеры 7,5 сантиметров в ширину и 15 сантиметров в длину.
SCP-248-DE - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-248-DE describes a four-pronged dinner fork measuring 25 cm and weighing 43 g that consists of a stainless steel alloy and [REDACTED]. According to analyses, SCP-248-DE inhabits the feature to make almost any material edible, including liquids and some gases.
SCP-248 - SCP財団
オブジェクトは、その家の末の息子であるロニー・ が納屋に置かれていた古く、半ば分解されたトラクターへ一枚のステッカーを貼った後に財団の注目を引きました。 トラクターはエンジン及びフレームの大部分を欠いていたにも関わらず、突然それが真新しく、僅かに優れた性能であったかのように動作するようになりました。 エージェントは農薬無料の模造クーポンと引 …
SCP-248 | 110% (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2021年8月7日 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be examining Item number SCP-248: 110%, Object class: Safe.SCP-248 is a 25-page bo...
SCP-248 - Crossover Wiki | Fandom
SCP-248 is a twenty-five (25) page booklet of stickers, each reading "110%" with a small pressed imprint of the words "The Factory" in the bottom right corner. The booklet itself is 7.5 cm in height and 15 cm in length.
SCP-248 : r/SCPSL - Reddit
2021年12月8日 · SCP-248 can be used on weapons. Randomly improving one of the parameters : Aiming Speed , Less weigh , Aiming Recoil , Magazine Capacity by 110% or something like that. Or on Micro-HID Randomly improving one of the parameters : Damage , Charging speed.
SCP-248 is a viscous black liquid with hallucinogenic properties, causing anyone who ingests it to see a well in an endless desert, full of SCP-248, which the affected will be forced to drink, upon drinking it, SCP-248 will show the affected their greatest fear, if the affected cannot face their fear, it will become corporeal and kill them, and ...
SCP-248-J - SCP Foundation
2023年7月15日 · Description: SCP-248-J is an avian entity with a standing height of 45 centimeters and a weight of two kilograms. Superficially, it resembles a Gallus gallus domesticus 1, however various parts of its body are replaced by irregular metallurgical implements.