SCP-1010 - SCP Foundation
Oct 13, 2024 · SCP-1010 synthesizes glucose through an abnormally fast rate of photosynthesis. The water required is absorbed through the hands and feet of SCP-1010, which have a physiological structure similar to a root system. SCP-1010 has a weight of approximately 25 kilograms and a height of 153cm.
SCP-1010-JP - SCP International - Wikidot
Description: SCP-1010-JP is an unidentified flying object that has been sighted in Japan. Previous observation records indicate that its shape is a sphere approximately 12 meters in diameter, and it is stationary in the air by an unknown means.
SCP-1010 Don't Approach The Green Man - YouTube
This is the secret report of the SCP Foundation about object 1010. Take our word for it - meeting him is the last thing you wanna do. Support project on Patreon:...
SCP-1010 The Green Man: The strange humanoid who protects …
This is an SCP Foundation story reading from Eastside Show SCP of SCP-1010 "The Green Man", a short humand of leaves who takes care of the forest. SCP-1010 i...
SCP Series 2 - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · SCP-1955 - Spleen Eaters From Venus! The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
SCP Foundation: SCPs 1000 to 1099 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-1010 is a short humanoid that has leaves covering most of its body. These leaves grow directly from 1010's body and are capable of rapidly changing species in order to camouflage itself. 1010's "face" is that of a Caucasian man in his 80s or 90s, with a large beard made of an unknown species of moss. 1010 has shown intelligence equal to ...
SCP-1010 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-1010. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-1010 is kept within a plant-filled dome. Laconic Description: SCP-1010 is a leprechaun made of bark that can control plants.
SCP-1010: The Green Man | SCP Foundation Audio Archive - YouTube
SCP-1010: The Green ManRead: http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-1010Listen to the podcast version here: https://scpaudioarchive.github.io/Copyright: CC-BY-SA 3.0Join...
SCP-1010 - Зелёный человек
Описание: SCP-1010 является гуманоидом небольшого роста, тело которого, кроме лица, ладоней и подошв ног, покрыто листьями, которые растут прямо из него. Они способны быстро менять свою видовую принадлежность в целях маскировки от людей и животных. Время, за которое листья меняют свою видовую принадлежность, составляет около 10 …
SCP-1010 - SCP基金会