SCP-1002 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · Description: SCP-1002 is an abnormal shadow belonging to a group of six (6) objects currently in Foundation custody. Each of these objects possesses the shadow of a humanoid individual, dressed in a law enforcement uniform. Objects tied to SCP-1002 currently in containment are:
SCP Series 2 - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 2 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. SCP-1056 - Re-size It! SCP-1085 - Pound Off the Pounds! SCP-1293 - Squeedle Deedle Dee!
SCP-1002 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-1002. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: Lock them in a large room and don't let Class-D (or anybody else that's murdered someone) within 10 meters of the objects. Laconic Description: SCP-1002 is a shadow of …
SCP-1002 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Oct 11, 2012 · Description: SCP-1002 is a very ornate chair about 4 meters high and 2 wide with a large jewel in the middle of the back of the chair. Sitting in the chair has no consequences beyond the ability of omniscience (which in some cases causes migraines).
SCP-1002 – SCP-kids
Jan 6, 2025 · Let’s give SCP-1002 a fun and imaginative twist for kids. While SCP lore is often dark, I’ll transform it into a lighthearted, magical adventure with kid-friendly themes. Here we go!
SCP-002 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-002 resembles a tumorous, fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 m³ (or 2000 ft³). An iron valve hatch on one side leads to its interior, which appears to be a standard low-rent apartment of modest size.
SCP-002 | SCP: Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
SCP-002 is a Euclid-Class SCP resembling that of a tumorous, fleshy growth that appears virus-like, with an always open iron hatch "door" on the front that leads inside of SCP-002. SCP-002 will additionally move up and down a handful of meters every few seconds, but …
SCP-1002-RU - SCP財団
説明: scp-1002-ruは 市とその周辺で見つかった発信者不明の無線信号です。 地域全体を停電させ、発信源を突き止めようとする試みは失敗に終わりました。 scp-1002-ruは多くの場合 の周波数の範囲内でランダムに変化します。
Dr Bob - YouTube
Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Hiemal class object, SCP-3700 Animation. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to DrBob Channel Today!
SCP-1002 - Demisers - YouTube
Aug 31, 2021 · Code: SCP-1002 Title: Demisers Rating: 239 Wordcount: 842 Last Edit: 05 Oct 2019 00:31 Revision: 19 Tags: autonomous, euclid, hostile, humanoid, scp, sentient, shadow URL:...
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