unable to preview Adobe form with chart but on download
cl_igs_chart_engine then converted the data into xstring using FM SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING and converted the xstring to string using FM . SSFC_BASE64_ENCODE which i passed in my interface parameter. I created a image field in the adobe form and mapped it.. checked the embed check box & selected display image original …
merged columns after excel export from deskI | SAP Community
2013年7月8日 · SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP5 Update SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Teradata GSS Client nt-i386 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client ODBC Driver for Teradata McAfee Agent SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 FP 3.6 …
2012年10月29日 · We are installed SBOP EDGE BI, VERSION WITH DATA INTEGRATION (FOR SAP ERP) 4.0 sp2 on LINUX and after installation FP3., CMS is not coming up. Please find below logs. SIA trace.
Facing errors in increasing tablespace size | SAP Community
2007年8月16日 · List of tablespaces for extension. Pos. Tablespace Files/AuExt. Total[KB] Used[%] Free[KB] MaxSize[KB] 1 - PSAPSR3 11/11 19292160 94.17 1124480 112640000
Timeout error from telnet port - SAP Community
2007年2月3日 · The SAP Partner Groups will be INACCESSIBLE January 16-23 for a technical migration. For more information, please click the button at right to view the partner page Click to visit the Partner page
<sid>adm in DEV system has deferant id in QAS | SAP Community
2008年3月27日 · Dear Experts, I have these systems DEV/QAS and PRD , ECC6 on AIX/oracle i have exported the /usr/sap/trans from the DEV system as NFS file system ,and i mounted it into the QAS. and these are the user
Storing attachments for a medical service to an ... - SAP Community
2015年7月21日 · We need to know in which table in SAP the links to these attachments are maintained? In OAC3 the DRAW object specifies to use link table TOA01 but there are no links stored here for the repository. I have also checked TOA02, TOA03, and TOAHR and nothing is being stored for this repository. Thanks in advance. Cristin
Legal Consolidation - SAP Community
2010年11月17日 · I am trying to get the legal consolidation to work in SAP BPC 7.5 SP04 NW. The IC eliminations work fine, as does the elimination of shares in subs. However the elimination of the equity from the subs only works if I enter it against an element of my INTCO dimension other than NON_INTERCO.
FM Consistency Check - SAP Community
Hi, We are trying to budget check documents in FMBB to avoid negative budget for transfers and Carryovers. We have used SAP Note 983853 Missing errors from availability control for negative budget.
Debugging FM - SAP Community
Hi Al, I want to debug a function module which called in UPDATE TASK. e.g CALL FUNCTION 'MB_UPDATE_TASK' IN UPDATE TASK.