What Scope for a Belgium Browning SA-22? - Graybeard Outdoors
Sep 25, 2020 · I recently acquired 2 Belgium Browning SA-22 .22LR rifles. One is a 1958 year model, with the wheel rear sight, and the other is a 1963 year model, with the standard wedge blade rear sight. I tried, but these old eyes need the help of a scope. What scopes are you guys using on these little...
Browning SA-22 - Mississippi Gun Owners
Jun 20, 2019 · The last "used" Belgium made Browning SA-22 as I inspected was in the local gunstore where I lived then... and it was priced at near $700 in circa 2006. This store typically kept one or two of the current Miroku made "Grade I" Browning SA-22 rifles in stock (they are a "stocking Browning dealer)... and marked at closer to a $450 price then. Yeah...
Browning SA .22… | Mississippi Gun Owners - msgo.com
Dec 23, 2022 · Browning SA (Semi Automatic) .22, Belgium made. Older customer brought it in, said he has had it since his teenage years. It was having feeding and function problems. I noticed this was an older/early example.
Browning SA-22 - Mississippi Gun Owners
Jun 27, 2023 · When I was in 6th grade (1976) I mowed yards all summer and saved money to buy a Browning lever action 22. My dad said he would match whatever I saved. When we went to get my rifle in Tulsa, my dad bought a Browning SA-22 in 22 LR. We hunted snakes and turtles hard, and squirrels and crows to a lesser degree for several years.
Norinco 22 ATD - Graybeard Outdoors
Apr 8, 2023 · Hello all, I was at my LGS last week and they were putting a Norinco 22 ATD on consignment for a guy that was there. It has the box, and he said he never shot it. I have been itching for a Browning SA-22 for years now, as I had a Remington 241 when I was a kid. I dismissed the Norinco out of...
Winchester 70 SA Heavy Varmint - Graybeard Outdoors
Mar 29, 2005 · Win 70 SA Heavy Varmint Way to go, Jakes. Sounds like you've got a keeper. I have plans to pick up a 70SA Heavy Varminter in 308 shortly. :grin: It is black throughout; no stainless bbl. like the original Heavy Varminter, but looks like the first series Stealth. But it is not marked Stealth. I've heard a lot of good reports on these rifles.
SA-22 - Graybeard Outdoors
Jan 1, 2021 · Just got an SA-22 For many years I thought they were one of the goofiest looking guns. Read up on them off and on until I went 180 and felt I had to have one. Cool little rifle, interesting how the action is basically upside down, loading the chamber from the top and throwing them out the bottom.
What's it worth? - Mississippi Gun Owners
Feb 27, 2017 · The older Browning SA-22 rifles with the thumb wheel rear sight will fetch more dollars when sold. "Illegitimi non carborundum" Proudly standing in the "basket of deplorables" with those who are "irredeemable" as Hillary railed against.
Browning's sa-22 .. pure Class - Graybeard Outdoors
Apr 3, 2019 · Amen. John Moses Browning, the greatest firearm designer ever. The Japan made rifles are reputed to shoot every bit as well as the early Belgium models. The bottom ejection is cool. Nice contrast to the current .22 auto’s.
Shot Shells for a .380 ACP - Graybeard Outdoors
Mar 3, 2010 · The .380 just isn't big enough to hold a powder charge and an effective load of shot. For under 200 dollars you can get a Super Comanche .45 Colt/.410 single shot which, with a 10" barrel and choke tubes makes very effective use of 3" .410 shells.