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SOMUA S35 - Wikipedia
The SOMUA S35 was a French cavalry tank of the Second World War. Built from 1936 until 1940 to equip the armoured divisions of the Cavalry, it was for its time a relatively agile medium-weight tank, superior in armour and armament to its French and foreign competitors, such as the contemporary versions of the German Panzer III medium tank.
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Somua S35 medium tank (1935)
Possibly the best medium tank in 1935, the Somua S35 was designed as a cavalry tank, fast and well armed, well protected.
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Jan 25, 2025 · The new Samsung Galaxy S35 Ultra 5G is set to release in late 2025 and it is shaping up to be one of the most impressive smartphones on the market. The S35 Ultra will have a large 6.8-inch display, a powerful quad-core processor, and a …
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Aug 13, 2021 · S35VN is an upgrade of S30V with better edge retention and improved toughness while maintaining the same level of corrosion resistance. This steel has been used by reputable knife-making brands to produce high-end knife varieties like tactical knives, EDC knives, to …
Somua S-35 - World War Photos
SOMUA S-35 was a French Cavalry tank of the Second World War. Built from 1936 until 1940 to equip the armoured divisions of the cavalry. Tank was a highly maneuverable, well armoured and well-armed with an all-cast turret 56 mm thick. Production: 430 tanks. Main gun: 47 mm SA 35. German designation: Panzerkampfwagen 35-S 739 (f).
S-35戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
索瑪S-35戰車 (法語: Char Somua S-35)是 法國 於 第二次世界大戰 中使用的一種 骑兵坦克,一度被評價為「1930年代最佳的中型戰車」。 S-35戰車於1936年至1940年生產,並裝備於轻机械化師。 以當時的重量標準來說,S-35戰車是同級戰車中機動性算相當高的,武器與裝備亦優於法軍和外國其他同級的戰車,如德國的 三號戰車。 S-35戰車有著良好的傾斜裝甲和鑄造砲塔, …
S.35 | War Thunder Wiki
The Char de Cavalerie SOMUA 1935 S was a French cavalry tank. It was a remarkably manoeuvrable tank for its period, superior in armour and armament to both its French and foreign counterparts. It was constructed of well-sloped, mostly cast armour parts, which made it costly to create and time-consuming to maintain.
Chasseur de Char de 76.2mm AMX sur châssis S35
Sep 10, 2021 · One of three tank destroyer projects designed by AMX in 1945. This design mounts a 17-pounder cannon on the SOMUA S35 hull.