Site adjustment on a new Mark 4 - Ruger Forum
2016年3月25日 · Just purchased a new Ruger Mark IV Hunter for plinking and target shooting. As most of you know, the M-4 has adjustable rear sights. The directions for adjustment in the owners manual is a bit lacking, to say the least. I have adjusted the rear sights as far as I can and it still shoots a tad high.
Your Opinion Mark II or Mark IV - Ruger Forum
2011年3月7日 · I got a Mark IV 22/45 for my son. Not a big fan. I prefer my Mark II 22/45. I have 4 Mark IIs: the 22/45, a 51/2 inch bull barrel Target, a Competition Target and a 6 inch barrel Standard. I love the Mark IIs, they are the best of the series.
Mark 1,2,3 or 4. Whats the best of the bunch? - Ruger Forum
2010年12月11日 · Aside: I have had the RST-4 since the year it was made, 1968, got it at a local Wally World like store for the princely sum of $37.50(yep, the same price it went for until later that same year to $41.50). I remain amazed that Bill Ruger managed to hold that price stable for 19 years, that has to be some sort of record in the firearms industry.
Need some help with a red dot mounting plate for the Mark IV
2024年1月5日 · The Ruger Mark III and IV were drilled and tapped for a Ruger base. I got the base with the gun, NIB. I have red dots mounted on both of them. If you didn't get one, they are available on Ruger.com. Several different styles.
Mark 4 Barrels - Ruger Forum
2021年1月30日 · I would like to purchase a few extra aftermarket barrels for my 22/45 mark 4. Besides Volquartsen is their any other available? Do mark 4 22/45 barrels and regular mark 4 barrels interchange? Thanks in advance.
Ruger Mark 4 | RugerForum.com - Ruger Enthusiast & Owner …
2018年5月25日 · I took the 'magazine ejector' out of several Ruger Mark IV pistols and thereafter the magazines clicked much better into place. I did put a few of the aftermarket metal ejectors in some Mark IV guns and those fit much better and really 'zing' an empty magazine out of the grip frame when the release is pressed.
Ruger 22/24 Mark III and 22/45 Mark IVm magazines
2020年11月26日 · If the conversation only involves Ruger Mark III 22/45 vs Ruger Mark IV 22/45 pistol magazines, that should be noted in the answer. Might be very important for those who don't know, and therefore can't answer. Instead, we have a post above involving just the designation: "The main difference in the Mark III and Mark IV magazines is the base plate."
Speed loader for mark 4 - Ruger Forum
2017年8月18日 · I held down the .22 pistol shooting range. The McFadden magazine loader really saved our bacon with keeping 9 magazines loaded with five rounds each for two Ruger Mark III's and one Mark II. It will work just fine for the Ruger Mark IV also, as it uses Mark IV magazines.
Mark 4 not feeding all the time. - Ruger Forum
2022年5月8日 · Looking to see if others are having an issue. Recently retired and decided to get something I could find ammo for to go plinking once in a while. Looked around and really liked the Mark 4 stainless hunter. Called around and no body had one. A friend had just been to a local "coastal farm" that...
Trigger on mark 4 hunter - Ruger Forum
2017年10月12日 · I added the Volquartsen Accuracy Kit to my Mark III Hunter, basically the same as the Mark IV except for the takedown. Trigger pull improved to 1pound 12onces. I set the trigger with no over travel and very little take up. Love the VQ kit.