Mar 25, 2017 · RUCM全名Restricted use case modeling,基于用例建模的需求建模方法,目标是降低软件需求模型的二义性。 它提出了一种改良的用例规约模板,并提供了26调限制规则以约束用例规约中自然语言的使用,依靠用例模板和限制规则,可以降低需求模型的二义性。
GitHub - CharlesWLux/UMTG: UMTG is a toolset for automatically ...
UMTG plug-ins for IBM DOORS is aimed at helping engineer to write high quality Use Case Specifications by following a Restricted Use Case Modeling (RUCM) Methodology [1]. RUCM [1] relies on a use case template and a set of restriction rules for textual Use Case Specifications (UCSs) to reduce the imprecision and incompleteness inherent to UCSs.
RUCM使用实例 - 程序员大本营
使用RUCM可以将需求中的用例描述的非常清晰,这是我使用它的主要原因;除此之外也可以用它来写测试流程,rucm test模板使得测试流程看上去非常清晰明了。
RUCM简介 - HF_Cherish - 博客园
Nov 21, 2013 · UCM: 用例建模,主要用于结构化和文档需求方面。 UCSs:用例规格说明书,通常是文本文档,所以描述中不可避免含有歧义。 RUCM: 限制性用例建模。 目标. G1.使UCMs更加可理解并且更精确。 G2.从UCMs自动生成分析模型。 1.RUCM是否是可用的,而且容易理解的? 2、人们用它是否可以获得更好的模型? 1、一个用于系统组织UCSs的 用例模板。 2、限制用户写UCSs的一系列 规则。 R12:仅使用简单句; 减少歧义,以便进行自动化的自然语言语法 …
Facilitating the transition from use case models to analysis …
In this article, we propose a use case modeling approach, called Restricted Use Case Modeling (RUCM), which is composed of a set of well-defined restriction rules and a modified use case template.
UCM: 用例建模,主要用于结构化和文档需求方面。 UCSs:用例规格说明书,通常是文本文档,所以描述中不可避免含有歧义。 RUCM: 限制性用例建模。 目标. G1.使UCMs更加可理解并且更精确。 G2.从UCMs自动生成分析 模型。 针对G1的实验性评估主要考察两个方面: 1.RUCM是否是可用的,而且容易理解的? 2、人们用它是否可以获得更好的模型? 1、一个用于系统组织UCSs的 用例 模板。 2、限制用户写UCSs的一系列 规则。 1、全面的文献综述的结果. 2、设 …
[PDF] Zen-RUCM: A Tool for Supporting a Comprehensive and …
Zen-RUCM is an RUCM-based framework to tackle the challenges of requirement specification in different application domains (e.g., real-time systems) and from various requirement specification concerns (e.g., variability).
rucm: Implementation of Unobserved Components Model (UCM)
Package rucm contains functions to model and predict a time series using Unobserved Components Model (UCM) (Harvey (1989)) which decomposes the series into its salient …
GitHub - kaushikrch/rucm: Implementation of Unobserved …
Unobserved Components Models (introduced in Harvey, A. (1989), Forecasting, structural time series models and the Kalman filter, Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press) decomposes a time series into components such as trend, seasonal, cycle, and the regression effects due to predictor series which captures the salient features of the ser...
Specifying uncertainty in use case models - ScienceDirect
Oct 1, 2018 · We extend the Restricted Use Case Modeling (RUCM) methodology and its supporting tool to specify uncertainty as part of system requirements. Such uncertainties include those caused by insufficient domain expertise of stakeholders, disagreements among them, and known uncertainties about assumptions about the environment of the system.