New "My Money" Page - Available for All Users - Announcements …
2021年1月29日 · Hi everyone, We’ve been working on a new version of the My Money page, which is now live for Beta Testers! UPDATE: The page is now rolled out for all users. The new page has all the features of the legacy page, but with some improvements: 🌚 Works with dark theme! 💯 Many more transaction types! You’ll be able to see your premium payouts, premium …
Cannot download transaction data - Creator Hub (create
2024年8月8日 · Creator Hub (create.roblox.com) Bugs. deafaultyboii1324 (deafaultyboii1324) August 8, 2024, 8:20pm . #1
Incorrect amount of transactions showing in Creator Store
2024年4月11日 · The options for Rows per page are: [1] = 10, [2] = 25, [3] = 50, [4] = 100, When Rows per page is set to 10, it shows 1 result. When set to 25, it shows 2 results. When set to 50, it shows 3 results and so on. The same is true when you hit the Payments API directly. Expected behavior Setting Rows per page to 10, 25, 50, or 100 would show that amount of transactions …
Group funds / transactions problem - Platform Usage Support
2023年11月25日 · My friend wanted to surprise me and donated over 300 robux in developer products in my group donation game, but when I went to check the pending robux, it stayed the same. When I went into sales of goods, it showed me that he bought the items but I was getting 0 robux from it. Here I have screenshots from the group sales of goods and from my friend’s …
How long does pending robux take? - Platform Usage Support
2023年1月10日 · Hey, I’ve been waiting for pending robux for 5 days now and I really need it for emergency within 2 days. The amount is 1202 and it was from one gamepass I made. Is there a way to speed it up? I heard the reason that pending robux exist is to prevent people stealing robux. I am friends with the user who bought my gamepass. Is there anything he could do (like …
New "Transactions" page doesn't show your DevEx'ed Robux in
2021年1月29日 · As the beta website for the Transactions page rolled out, I noticed that the devex’ed amount doesn’t show in people’s summary. How to recreate: Be part of the Beta Tester program Go to your transactions page Sort by when you last devex’ed Look at the “Developer Exchange” section of “Outgoing Robux” Screenshots:
Gamepass Purchases not showing up on “My Transactions” page
2024年6月2日 · I wanted to purchase a gamepass for a commission, however I cannot see the the outgoing Robux on “My Transcations” page. The item went to my inventory, but there is no evidence that the item was purchased. REPRODUCTION: Purchase a gamepass Open up “My Transactions” Attempt to view your outgoing robux/ pending robux, but you see that it was not …
Product Purchases Are Not Showing on Transactions Page
2025年2月2日 · As of 7PM ET purchases of products (and maybe passes, havent tested) are no longer showing up on transactions / summary but are still being granted in-game. The side effects of this issue can be observed in basically any game on the platform now, they’re all hitting very very low hours out of nowhere around 7PM ET
In-game transactions (+, - money transactions) gui help
2024年4月17日 · Hi, I’m an a developer that making some Roblox games. I searched for this question on the internet, but I didn’t founded any tutorials how can I make the all player’s transactions list. So, can anyone help me? (I’m not too professional in scripting)
Transactions are not loading - Platform Usage Support - Roblox
2024年11月30日 · I’m trying to see my transactions but for some reason, they are not loading. Am I the only one having this issue?