RIETI - Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), an incorporated administrative agency with non-civil servant status, was established on April 1, 2001 as a new platform to bring about creative and innovative policy debates based on world-class research, analysis and policy studies from mid- and long-term strategic perspectives.
RIETI - 独立行政法人経済産業研究所
rieti(独立行政法人経済産業研究所)は、2001年に設立された政策シンクタンクです。 理論的・実証的な研究とともに政策現場とのシナジー効果を発揮して、エビデンスに基づく政策提言を行うことをミッションとしており、これまで20年以上にわたる活動を ...
RIETI - Shifting Global Technology Landscape: Current position of …
2024年10月3日 · Consulting Fellow, RIETI While technology competition has been intensifying globally, it is becoming increasingly important to ascertain technological capabilities of individual countries from the viewpoint of security and economic development.
RIETI - What is Needed for AI Literacy?
2016年1月13日 · RIETI organized a number of AI-related events such as BBL Seminars and Highlight Seminars, attracting people interested in AI from a variety of fields. The latest issue of RIETI Highlight features their contents in detail. AI involves making computers learn concepts to establish human-like intelligence. The core technologies that support the ...
RIETI - Future Design and Industrial Innovation
2018年5月8日 · Consulting Fellow, RIETI Considering current decision-making from the perspective of future generations How should societal systems be designed and implemented to address long-term challenges that span multiple generations, such as climate change, resource and energy issues, and public finance and infrastructure maintenance and management, in ...
Industrial Policy in Japan: 70-Year History since World War II - RIETI
2017年3月14日 · Source: T.Okubo, T.Okazaki, and E.Tomiura, "Industrial Cluster Policy and Transaction Networks: Evidence from firm-level data in Japan", RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 16-E-071, 2016 Indeed, structural reform of the economy has been one of the major policy issues of successive cabinets from the late 1990s until the present.
RIETI - Are Employment Support Programs for Public Assistance ...
2023年8月30日 · Fellow (Policy Economist), RIETI. It is said that welfare benefits received by households headed by working-aged people increased during the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic (Zhou and Suzuki, 2012, and Ando and Furuichi, 2022).
RIETI - Japan's Environmental Policy
2008年12月11日 · Consulting Fellow, RIETI. Abstract. This chapter focuses on water quality, air quality, and global warming, with the objective of providing a basic introduction to environmental policy in Japan ( Note 1). Having experienced severe water and air pollution especially during the 1950s and 1960s, measures were taken, resulting in a reduction of ...
RIETI - 地方創生2.0を成功に導くために何が必要か
2024年11月19日 · 石破政権の柱の1つである「地方創生2.0」を成功に導くためには、「人口問題(出生率の問題を含む)」(①)と「地方の持続可能性」(②)を切り離し、人口減少を前提に、データを真摯に直視した上で、「スマートシュリンク(賢い縮退)」という戦略を基本に据えながら、②の問題に政府 ...
RIETI - Yen Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Japan's International ...
2023年9月6日 · Opinions expressed or implied on this website are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). Titles, numbers, specific names, etc. on this website are as of the date of publication.