The Riddler vs The Penguin - Battles - Comic Vine
Riddler catches Penguin in a highly-ironic deathtrap, all the while mocking him for his inferior intellect. Penguin shoots him,and smartest villian? that honour belongs to Bane not Riddler.
Two-Face VS Penguin VS Riddler - Battles - Comic Vine
Two-face could be hanging off a cliff from his tie and would have to flip a coin to decide with which hand to use first to climb up, his split personality tends to come in effect at the worse ...
Riddler (Character) - Comic Vine
Riddler later appears with Two-Face and Penguin in Joker's "throne-room" set. Riddler acts as Batman's strategist "Sir Edward" and forces one of Joker's hostages (Dressed like Superman ) to touch ...
Penguin (Character) - Comic Vine
Penguin agrees to join him along with Riddler and Two-Face. Later, when Batman goes to the prison to catch Joker, Penguin is seen along with Riddler and Two-Face dressed up in a medieval costume ...
What's with all the hate towards the Penguin? - Comic Vine
Penguin is the same as Riddler and Scarecrow, and I don't see how he's useless when he's an arms dealer, and a big one at that. Penguin is a big threat to Batman, especially if you've considered ...
The Batman movie confirmed to have Catwoman, the Penguin, …
2019年6月13日 · Wiki. Characters; Creators; Teams; Volumes; Issues; Publishers; Locations; Concepts
Villain Showdown: Joker vs Riddler vs Penguin vs Two Face
2015年8月17日 · Riddler. Penguin. Joker is the most manipulative, resourceful and underrated. Two Face is a close second. Don't know much on Riddler's H2H, but with his toys, I can't imagine Penguin being TOO ...
Rank The Batman Villains From Best to Worst: Falcone, Penguin, …
2022年3月7日 · Penguin was my favorite but Falcone felt more like the film's big bad. Riddler was a poor character with a worse costume. They nailed the loser part down though but I'd rather watch Zodiac than ...
The Batman #213 - Night and the City (Episode) - Comic Vine
2005年9月10日 · Joker, Penguin and Riddler set up a bet: whomever captures and exposes the true identity of Batman will rule over Gotham. A new member of the Gotham City Police Department determines Batman's ...
The Punisher vs Gotham City - Battles - Comic Vine
Riddler, Penguin and Jokers team's have sub machine guns, Automatic rifles and one sniper. Each fight takes place in a football field size warehouse that frank gets 5 hours of observation for prep ...