Diplomatic historian and foreign policy scholar Richard ...
2014年3月13日 · Richard Ullman, the David. E. Bruce Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus, at Princeton University, died of Parkinson's disease March 11 at Park Place Center in Monmouth Junction, N.J. He was 80.
Richard Ullman Obituary (2014) - New York, NY - New York Times
2014年3月14日 · ULLMAN - Richard H., 80, of Princeton, NJ, died on March 11, 2014. He was a distinguished scholar of international affairs at Princeton University for over forty years, ultimately as the David K....
Diplomatic historian and foreign policy scholar Richard ...
2014年3月13日 · Richard Ullman, the David. E. Bruce Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus, at Princeton University, died of Parkinson's disease March 11 at Park Place Center in Monmouth...
Richard Ullman Papers - Philadelphia Area Archives
Richard Ullman (1933-2014) was a scholar of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. The collection documents Ullman's career as an academic, his service with the U.S. State Department and the Council on Foreign Relations, and his process of researching and publishing the three-volume Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1971.
Richard Ullman | NESDIS
Richard Ullman is the Deputy Director, Office of Space Weather Observations, Performing the Duties of the Director. In this role, he assists in the development, acquisition, integration, installation, and acceptance of major system elements (spacecraft, instruments, launch services, and ground services) for NOAA’s operational environmental ...
In Memoriam | Princeton Alumni Weekly
2016年1月21日 · Richard H. Ullman, known both as a leading scholar and as one of Princeton’s most devoted teachers during his 36 years on the faculty, died March 11. He was 80.
Richard H. Ullman 1934–2014 | The Journal of ... - MIT Press
2015年2月1日 · The JIH and many members of its Board of Editors mourn Richard H. Ullman, a longtime member of that Board and the David E. Bruce Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus, at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.