Several REXX Batch Questions - Tek-Tips
Aug 8, 2007 · Hi I'm a little rusty on Rexx but have written A REXX program that reads two input files, does some manipulation on them and writes a third file. The rexx works fine when …
Date/Time Calculation - REXX | Tek-Tips
Oct 8, 2006 · Does anyone have a routine to calculate the number of hours between two dates and times?
Julian Dates - REXX | Tek-Tips
Jan 24, 2003 · From OS/390 V2R10.0 TSO/E REXX Reference Julian date in the format: yyddd. Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid when input_date is not specified. Based …
Trapping PF keys in mainframes - REXX | Tek-Tips
Sep 19, 2001 · I am writing a Rexx program which displays ISPF Panel. If the user presses Enter key or PF3 key, the panel returns control to the program but I can not differentiate between the …
ISPEXEC vput and ISPEXEC vget - REXX | Tek-Tips
Sep 25, 2006 · Hi, I want to know what is vput and vget statements and how to use it in a REXX program. When i tried using the following lines in my REXX program, i was...
Rexx coding for Scrollable Dynamic panels - REXX | Tek-Tips
Jan 22, 2007 · I'm trying to write a rexx application to display variable output. I was hoping that defining a panel with a dynamic area,which was scrollable, would allow the panel to navigate …
Invalid Syntax - REXX | Tek-Tips
Oct 22, 2001 · "A command entered or contained in a CLIST has invalid syntax." That's all my Rexx tells me. It appears to run correctly. The process is to From command line, enter TSO …
PDS member list details - REXX | Tek-Tips
Mar 30, 2001 · Hello, I am just a new to using REXX on the mainframe, and hence the following problem has me stumped: Does anybody know if REXX can get the PDS member details for a …
send mail through Rexx? - Tek-Tips
Jan 23, 2004 · Hi everybody, Currently I am working on porting some Rexx code from old OS/2 to Windows. I am working on this one file in which I have to email a report to a few people. in …
Cursor positioning in ISPF panels using REXX - REXX | Tek-Tips
Dec 23, 2002 · Hi, I'm new to rexx and ispf panels. Could you please help me figure out how to position the cursor at a particular field on the panel, when invalid data is entered on the panel …